Okay, I came across a little news item at
Towleroad about Evangelical leader Ted Haggard stepping down from his

position as the leader of the 14,000-member New Life Church based in Colorado Springs because he is alleged to have had a three year "sexual business" relationship with a gay escort. The Acting Senior Pastor of Ted Haggard's New Life Church, Ross Parsley,
told KKTV news Thursday night that there has been "some admission to indiscretion" by Haggard, though he would not give details of the admission. Parsley says that work with "outside overseers" brought out the confession from Haggard. They have
recorded phone calls of Haggard trying to score some meth.
And now, from the desk of Charlie. I have just about had it with all these self hating homophobic cock sucking assholes that preach hate and intolerance and create laws against gay people, all the while they are hiring prostitutes for sex on the DL and sending inappropriate IM's to boys young enough to be their kids...and are probably younger than their actual kids. In the age of information, do these jackasses REALLY think that they are not going to get caught? One of the worst things about these guys is that they are the LOWEST of the low, and create and reinforce stereotypes about the general gay population, and it makes me ill. They speak of the hell that gay men and women are going to face when they die. You know what...if I am going to hell, then let me deal with that when the time comes. Some of those folks might want to think about the hell they are going to face for promoting hate AND being a hyporcite? Afterall, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. There are some duplicitous people in this world and those people include Mr. Haggard and Mark Foley. They live their life in a way that actually kind of makes me sad for them. They were probably raised in an environment that would never allow them to be who they really are, and those 'values' are burned into their minds and they go on to have careers in professions they believe will help disguise who they are, but I have to say...you can't hide from who you are for very long. The problem with these guys is, they realize and acknowledge who they are on some, for lack of better words, "dark" level, there comes a point when they can't refuse to keep who they are bottled up, they explode, giving in to their desire with the wrong person, and by the time they are done, their indescretions are being aired out for the world to see on Fox News. Moral of the story...you can run, but you can't hide. Furthermore, to all of the faggot hating people out there, why do you hate? Are you supressing something inside you that you don't like? Most of us are just out there trying to live our lives, making a living, providing for ourselves and families, minding our own drama filled business, and paying taxes to a government that doesn't want to give us the same rights and priveleges as EVERY OTHER PERSON. You don't want to let us get married, because you say that it would violate the sanctity of marriage? How about all the people that marry for money, for citizenship, for anything other than what the forefathers believed marriage to be? What about those people? In a countrty where 50% of all marriages end in divorce, they are clearly not interested in keeping marriage sacred. I know what marriage is supposed to be about, and I see it EVERY SINGLE DAY in my parents. They have been married for 29 years...through the good and the bad. They are STILL in love after all this time, despite my dad's blatant flaws and my mom's ocassional nagging. I would never think to marry someone unless I felt I could live up to my parents' marriage. I am beginning to think that the conservatives of today see a big change coming in the future when my generation and the generations after me begin to infiltrate the government, and that is why they are in a scramble of sorts to pass all of these laws, and a FREAKING amendment to the constitution to limit gay rights, but good things come in time, and it is only a matter of time before the old is pushed out and the new is brough in. Rome wasn't built in a day. Furthermore, we have enough to deal with being gay men and women without the high and mighties claiming they know what is best for us and for America, when in reality they can't even figure out who they are or what is best for themselves. How about you work on your own backyard before you start trying to fix what you think is wrong in mine okaaay.