Vanessa Minnillo Proves the Blatantly Obvious
Entertainment Tonight's Vanessa Minnillo spent countless minutes covered in a fat suit and dressed like a hot mess from Austin's North East side and then as a blonde woman all to prove a point that everybody already knows. In her "Undercover Investigation" she made herself ugly, although seeing as how beauty is in the eye of the beholder I think she made herself a little more attractive than she actually is, but that is just what my eyes see. She wanted to prove that unattractive people hav

1. Make the decision to be pretty something that you want to do for one else! In the end, how you feel about yourself is the most important thing. Trust me, I know. I compare myself to unattainable male beauty every damn day.

2. Find a gay male friend. Gay men love pretty and things that shine. A gay man will not let a girl walk out of the house looking like a hot mess. Look at Lindsay Lohan...she has no main gay in her life and she often walks out of the house looking hit...all because Rachel Zoe said it looks cute, and that bitch can't even dress herself. The gay man can also instuct you on grooming habits as well.
3. Join a gym and actually GO to the gym. Go with your new main gay. This is a good idea for girls who want to lose weight or want to get fit. Get over yourself if you are afraid to walk into a gym because you think you are too fat. That is what the gym is for, and it is one of the few places where a fat person can go and not get weird stares, because the people that are there know why you are there and in their minds they are applauding you for it.
4. Go shopping! I would do this after you have been at the gym and hit a milestone in your workout. Nothing makes a person feel better than reaching a goal, rewarding themself, and working it.
4. Go shopping! I would do this after you have been at the gym and hit a milestone in your workout. Nothing makes a person feel better than reaching a goal, rewarding themself, and working it.
Finally...that's all.
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