All the bitches come out for a Public Affair
Since when in hell does the opening of a Salon owned by a fugly overaged wannabe twinky homo with "gay face" call for a red carpet? I it necessary...REALLY necessary? I don't think so, but of course Ken Paves, had his main hags (who all seem to be freshly single) out to celebrate the opening of the self-titled salon, Ken Paves Salon. I wonder where Kenny would be if he didn't have these girls? Oh that's right, he would be at Supercuts charging the normal price of $12 for a haircut.

First off, Jessy is looking hit these days. Hit by a dumptruck hit, not hit as in I wanna hit that. Being forced to wear the crappy clothes and shoes in her clothing line is d

It is sort of funny how Jessy and Kenny have similar haircuts. Short in the back and all long and busy on the top and in the front. Coincidence...I think not. I wonder if Ken Paves can cut his own hair, or if Jessy does it for him? I am just saying is all.

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