Lamest costume?
Is Chris Klein wearing the lamest costume ever or has he picked up a shift handing out flyers at the local Gatti Town?

Making NO apologies for stating what is obvious to me, but may be oblivious to others.
Is Chris Klein wearing the lamest costume ever or has he picked up a shift handing out flyers at the local Gatti Town?
I just have one thing to say to good ole Danny B. PUT YOUR DAMN CLOTHES BACK ON BECAUSE NOBODY...I repeat, NOBODY WANTS TO SEE THAT OKAAAAY.
TMZ is reporting that Reese Witherspoon and husband Ryan Phillipe have called it quits.
And I mean...really...who doesn't? This is from Page Six this past weekend:
- When will Kevin Federline realize that NOBODY cares!?!?!?!? [pagesix]
- Carmen Electra gets her own credit card. Is it anything like American Express Black, and do I have to put a deposit down on it, and is there anything celebrities won't do for money? [yeeeah]
That ladies the gays will always remember as "Designing Women" got together at the Museum of Television and Radio for a Q&A, which I believe will be broadcast at some point...check your local listings. They all still look amazing...well...almost amazing. Annie Potts is dressing like she is still waiting to do the sequel to "Pretty in Pink", only she left her shoulder padded blazer at home. Dixie Carter's face looks like it was pulled back by a tow truck. The body lenght dress is not really that cute on Delta, and Jean could possibly be sporting a slight camel toe that would probably be blatant if she were wearing different pants. Kudos Candy Bar to all of them nonetheless.
I remained unimpressed with this hodown roller skatin' Sonic employee, and I am aghast as to why she has a video and is coming out with an album. This is EXACTLY why the bitch did not win American Idol. Clearly some producer didn't realize America tried to banish this bitch from ever being able to create a record because WE DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT. The only thing she had going for her was the fact that Simon Cowell wanted to bone her. Make sure you have more than your hands to cover your ears...her unharmonious voice pierced my flesh and bones shattering my eardrums into a million little pieces, so I am thinking...use something synthetic and manmade.
Sharon Osbourne has opened her heinous mouth to give her opinion
I don't know of any readers recall my story about Farris Davis, the inbred black lady that once visited my office to ask me for money. Well, she was back yesterday and she brought her removable leg cast with her. It was an unusually busy day for me yesterday and I was in the middle of multitasking when she walked in. The conversation went like this:
Okay, I know I am gay and all, but I know what breasts are supposed to look like...and this ain't it. Something is just not right about her right boob. Did it get stung by a bee?
If that is the work of a doctor, I hope she kept her receipts. [egotastic]
Kate Moss has come out swinging saying that Heather Mills is a f'ing liar about one of the allegations she is making these days. Heather Mills is currently suing two tabloids for writing false stories about her. Heather reportedly claimed that Paul McCartney refused to let her have a bedpan near their bed, so she had to crawl to the toilet in the middle of the night with out her fake limb when she had to take a piss. A friend to Kate Moss said:
- Babs has raised her diva demands to include bomb sniffing dogs and metal detectors at all her concerts for the rest of her tour. She has also requested that security be dressed in plain clothes...and neatly at that...not unlike loss prevention at Wal-Mart. I mean...if she is afraid someone is gonna kill her for her opinion about George W, then she should just keep her big yap shut. I just hope someone doesn't sneak in and hide a bomb in her right nostril. [pagesix]
-Elisabeth Hasselbunk proclaims and swears on her "The View" mug that she doesn't hate Rosie and that she isn't going anywhere. Uh huh...that's what Star said and we all know how that story ended. [tmz]
I should know from experience never to speculate on the relationship status of two
In the spirit of presenting both sides of the story, you can go here to see the response given by The Garden Guy. I feel the need to give my own opinion about the response that the Garden Guy's family has gotten over this. I am greatly disappointed in some of the reactions that the gay community has had on these people. I appreciate the fact that people feel strongly about this, but there is no reason to threaten someone's life, or to lash out at them in extreme ways because of their beliefs. Should they have handled it differently...yes, could they have handled their response differently...yes. They should realize that blatantly telling someone they cannot work for them because of who they are is not tolerated these days. I also know it is very easy to get extremely angry at them for their beliefs, and a lot of gay people tend to immediately lash out rather than taking the time to cool off, collect their thoughts, and make their opinion known in a mannerly fashion. It is a big big world, and not everyone is going to like it is painfully clear in the Middle East (and I am in no way saying this is the same thing). In the end, the rash and severe responses given by some of the people in the gay community does more harm than good, and it just drives home a stereotype and reinforces the perception that people have about us.
Here we go again. Jessy Simpson will not let this mess die, and I really wish she would. In addition to what was posted in Page Six, she has taken to her website to talk about the "epiphany" she had while she was visiting African children, bringing smiles to their faces by handing out free samples of vanilla flavored lip gloss, and presenting all of the mothers with stilleto heels and matching handbags from her very own line, proclaiming, "You do so
Today marks the beginning of a new segment I like to call "Page Six Discussion". Sometimes there is more than one thing in Page Six that I want to discuss...this let's me do it.
My friend Jason recently sent me an email from a friend of his, who also has a blog, and that email described a gay couple in Houston that a landscaper in Houston refused to do business with them because they are homosexuals. I mean...really?!!?!?! Here is the email from one of the owners:
T.R. Knight, of Grey's Anatomy, has confirmed to People Magazine that he is gay. "I guess there have been a few questions about my sexuality, and I'd like to quiet any unnecessary rumors that may be out there," Knight tells PEOPLE in a statement. "While I prefer to keep my personal life private, I hope the fact that I'm gay isn't the most interesting part of me."
A vision of ignunce. I cannot express how much I loathe this girl, and I really can't see why Nick hangs out with her. Her personality MUST surely be better in real life than it is during Entertainment Tonight, because her personality is like these Polenta Chips from Whole Foods my friend Elese brought to our reunion this weekend...they tasted like nothing. And is that the leather jacket Nick wore in high isn't cute. Actually, the whole thing isn't cute. Like her archnemisis, Jessy Simpson, I wish she would just go away. Thanks.
BTW sweetie...skinny jeans aren't meant for everyone...and that includes you, and that is mostly because it makes your head look like it is the size of a beach ball. must be SO hard to keep Nick from coming back and hitting that. BARF! [splash]
Get yourself to a licensed dermatologist and/or a plastic surgeon who didn't get his degree from the University of Phoenix and get that busted up face of yours fixed. Here let me Dr. What's His Name has been featured in People Magazine...and by featured I mean he purchased ad space.
- Paris doesn't want to be a floppy kind of gal. Paris recently finished a movie called National Lampoon's Pledge This, but has refused to attend the premiere in order to promote her album. The limited release of the movie has been pushed back to accomodate her (because she is apparently the biggest name in the film), but she has made it clear she won't be attending. Her side has made it clear she is trying to distance herself from movies that are flops. So...yeah...she is gonna skip promoting a movie flop, but will gladly "promote" her flop of an album. Makes TOTAL sense. Sidenote...seems she doesn't mind causing her latest model boytoy's career to flop. [pagesix]
WHAT. THE. HELL? Give me a damn break. These two have not really done anything to help out the gay community, unless you count showing up at LA hotspots to be photographed by the razzi's. Lance has only been out for like 2 seconds and he is already getting an award? I don't get it.
Here we have a picture of Eva Longoria and Tony Parker's mom taken during Eva's recent trip to Paris to watch Tony play ball and attempt to patch up their relationship. Now, I dunno what the hell happened to her style, but just because your mother in law dresses bad, doesn't mean you should do the same. I mean...really. Tony Parker's mom (if that is who this is) looks like a beast fresh from the trailer park who just won $10,000 from a Texas Lotto Scratch off and spent all of it on one trainwreck of an outfit, and would justify her purchases by saying..."Do you know what this is Chanel" thinking that just because it is Chanel that it automatically makes it gorgeous and a 'must have'. No ma'am...that is not how it works. Can we also do something about the hat? I least use it to cover your gap toothed man face...thanks. I can understand how Eva would think that standing next to this woman would make her look 1,000 times hotter, but in this case I think the fug is rubbing off and it isn't do much to help her cause. Check out their matching necklaces! LOL!!!!
Okay...I dunno how many remix loving homos, or remix loving straights there are reading my blog, but they are in for a treat. I found a website that has quite a few remixes of current pop hits playing on the radio. It seems there are at least 10 versions of each song, and you can download them for the low low price of FREE! Click here and head over and get you some ooonce ooonce!
Thank you so much for reigniting my seething anger for not having makeup artists and hair stylists waiting at my beck and call in the morning and on the weekends to work their magic before I step out of the house like all my favorite celebrities...yes...thank you.
I wanted to apologize for the lack of posts last week, but work has been busy and I have been busy on finding a different job. I will do my best this week to bump up the posts. Thanks for reading!
- "Firecrotch" screaming oil heir Brandon Davis and his clan may not be as rich as they would like us to believe...allegedly bouncing checks and owing people all kinds of money. That's a shame. [pagesix]
Today is National Coming Out Day. The HRC has come up with a way to get people to "Talk About It". The campaign is simply called "Talk About It". Coming out is one of the hardest things a gay person can do...I know...I have been there. The fear of abandonment is immense, but so is the inner turmoil that a person faces because they are afraid of the consequences of being who they are. So, if you know someone who is having a hard time coping and dealing with being gay, offer support, let them know that they aren't alone, because that feeling of being alone and having to deal with something so HUGE is part of what keeps so many people in the closet.
Jennifer Lopez allegedly went nuts on a flight attendant recently when she asked for a double espresso, but was told they could not make her one. Checking out the website, and according to the flight attendant, J.Lo got verbally abusive and came up with this gem of an insult:
...Rupert Everett was handsome? I do.
- Vince and Jen done for good. Good ole' Vince was seen canoodling with a mysterious blonde that wasn't Jennifer Aniston in London the other night. [pagesix]
Hey boys and girls, I am back from Providence, RI, and I am rested and relaxed and ready to go. For the record, Providence if FUGLY. The people there, at least the places where I was a witness, are tacky at best. Bad taste, bad look, bad, bad, bad. Joey is well. I didn't experience a whole lot of night life, but I am actually cool with that. It was very relaxy, and it was good to not be rushing around changing clothes a million times a day to get ready to impress a bunch of homos that would have been a waste of my time. I will not be blogging today, as I have quite a bit of work to catch up know...unless I get done with my work and find something news worthy. The next couple of entries will probably be stuff you have already heard about, but I had no access to computers while I was gone so it is news to me. MUAH! to all of you for missing me!
I wanted to let all 4 of my faithful readers know that I am going to be on vacation Thursday thru Monday. I am taking a plane trip to see my friend Joey aka Joezay in Providence this weekend. I am hoping it will be a fun trip, I just wish a couple other folks were going along too. At any rate, I will be hitting the town in Boston and possibly NYC as well. I hope you all have a fantastic Columbus Day...if you get that holiday off like I do. Ciao!
because like they say..."Doing crystal has never been more fun". But seriously think Crystal Meth is all fun and games and about getting a hot thin body, but it isn't fun...not fun at all. Just ask these people whose lives and looks (not that they were cute before they got hooked, but they didn't look like death either) were ruined by Tina.
I was wondering why we never got to see Kristen Cavalleri's mother on Laguna Beach, and now I know. She was strung out in a well lit alley somewhere in Laguna hanging out with Tina. She should totally get mom of the year.
All joking aside, Crystal Meth is a serious drug with HUGE consequences. I actually have a friend that became addicted to it, and the last time I heard from him was a couple months ago and he was stranded in Atlanta because he went there with another meth addict who left him high and dry and he had no way to get back to DC. I have no idea if he is okay, if he is alive, dead, or something else. Just say no...I stupid do you have to be to say yes to even trying something like Crystal Meth, and if you do have a problem or know someone that has a problem, GET HELP!