I DO NOT and probably WILL NEVER understand why the young starlets in Hollywood insist on using this woman's services, because she is RUINING all of them. Bitch can't even dress herself. It looks like Halloween pranks came early this year when some teenagers thought it woudl be a good idea to toilet paper Rachel Zoe instead of the trees. Although she DOES seem to be ready for Halloween...what with the crazy orange glowing contacts and the wrinkly witch faced mask she is wearing to the party. Although, I don't know think "The Fashion Group International Presents the 23rd Annual Night of Stars Honoring 'The Visionaries'" is the right venue to wear this costume. What...that is her real face? AAAAARRRRGGHHHH! That is some scary shit. Did she unknowingly put her boobs into some kids Pumpkin candy holder, with the misguided notion that lace would make it seem like her bosoms were more ample, because...no. And don't even get me started on Mischa Barton's poor choice in attire. Bitch can never dress herself. Leggings do not make a dress cute okaaaay. Nor do stripper shoes. She looks like she is wearing something that Annie Potts was wearing in Pretty in Pink (last Annie Potts PIP reference today). It is sad...like Kyndra from Laguna Beach says...I hate when people with money don't have taste. Alas Kyndra, the two do not always go hand in hand. Just like some gay men have no sense of style either.
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