Posh has implants?
I can't figure it out...and by "it", I mean if Victoria is human or alien. She looks absolutely ridiculous from head to toe. Normally, I think she looks fab, but I mean...not here. Utterly ridiculous.

Making NO apologies for stating what is obvious to me, but may be oblivious to others.
I can't figure it out...and by "it", I mean if Victoria is human or alien. She looks absolutely ridiculous from head to toe. Normally, I think she looks fab, but I mean...not here. Utterly ridiculous.
- In nasty news today, apparently Dustin Diamond (aka Screech) made a sex tape. Why? I don't know. Who is
These boys give new meaning to the words "Model" Home, and yes that pun is VERY intended. A bunch of models loaded up a bus from NYC to New Orleans to help build a new home for a family that lost their home to Katrina.
Read more about this great cause and see more pictures of hot model men at the Model Home Project website.
The A/C in my office went out and I am literally in hell. It is hot and miserable and I am not getting any work done at all. I just praise Jesus my Lord and Savior that it didn't go out a month ago, because Charlie would be calling in sick okay.
Okay, granted, Tiger Woods IS a straight man, but damnit, he is rich enough to have a stylist and really, the least his wife could do is make sure he never walks out of the house looking like a preppy gangsta kindergarten student okay. As a gay man, I like to pride myself on my sense of style and knowing what looks good and what works for people. To make this outfit more attractive I would do 8 things to make him more presentable. Granted, I am not sure what event he is at, but in the background it looks like it has something to do with animals or putt putt golf?
1. This shirt is too big. He needs to bring it down one size for a less "trying to be baggy on purpose" look. That is a 1MX shirt from Express for god's sake, it isn't meant to be worn like that.
2. Unbutton one more button for a less stuffy look.
3. Roll the sleeves up because they are clearly too long.
4. I don't like the number 4 so I am not giving a fourth thing he can do.
5. Tuck the shirt in if you are going to leave your sleeves in the down position.
6. The pants are too baggy. A slimmer pant would be better...maybe something with a bootcut as well.
7. The shoes are okay, but a more sporty shoe, possibly a "bowling" type shoe or a brown square toed loafer might be more appropriate for this outfit...IF he were to wear a slimmer pant. The color is good though.
8. Strike a different pose. Maybe a Starlet-esque over the shoulder pose? You look like a nerdy kindergarten student who is posing for a student ID for God's sake.
PS - I almost bought that shirt this weekend. It looked FAB on me, but I have enough purple and pink in my wardrobe to last me a good while.
If Beyonce skerred you in her Ring the Alarm video...how about Boyonce ...the white male drag dressing version of Beyonce, doing his own thing in his rendition of the same video. I have seen enough...thank you.
- Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler is set to reveal that he has Hepatitus C to Access Hollywood. [dlisted]
So, my worst fears were realized Saturday when I took lil Charlieboy to the Apple Store to hopefully have some life put back in him. To my dismay, there was nothing they could do for the poor thing. The tech staff was, of course, like...you can do the recylce program and get 10% off the purchase of a new iPod. Let me just say, that I KNEW it was going to come to this and I was prepared. Let me also just say that I can't live without my iPod. I LOVE it. I take it all over the place with me. You never know when you are gonna need to whip it out with the AM/FM transmitter to get a party started with a fantastic playlist. At any rate, say hello to my new friend, the 5th Generation Video iPod...
It is a sad sad day for me today. My iPod has died and I am so distraught and upset that I am going to take half the day off to mourn it. I am going to take it to the Apple Store and see if they can breathe life into it, but I am afraid that they won't be able to. Somebody hold me.
Shoot me for posting his video...I don't care. I know it is a complete ripoff of the movie "The Girl Next Door", but I like it for some reason.
I just stumbled across Tim Gunn's podcast on iTunes, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. For those who don't know who Tim is or don't watch Project Runway, you can ignore this posting. He gives his opinion about the designers and each show, what he loves and what he hates. He is very blunt and matter of fact of his opinion and it is quite lovely.
I make sure that I am awake every morning by 7:15 so that I can see David Muir do his news segment, and then I fall back to sleep for 10 minutes.
I don't know the deets of this story, because I really couldn't care less about why Justin is angry and trying to protect Hagatha D, but I will tell you how I read these photos. Clearly Cammy Diaz has somehow taken control of his mind, quite possibly by the locket that was used to control Dr. Marlena Evans on DOOL, but the camera flashes have temporarily brought him to his senses and I don't think he is angry so much as he is trying to warn all of us in this picture:
and that warning is..."don't look directly at her ugly mug or she will steal your soul and leave you as one of the living dead forced to do her bidding for all of eternity...just like me...who can't seem to get away from her."
- Paris Hilton admits to LAPD that she isn't the "brightest bulb on the sign" and that like...she totally "has a hard time remembering things". [pagesix]
Would you really want someone like this to be your sponsor if you were trying to get clean and sober?
According to imdb.com Clive Davis' concern for the megastar is so intense that he called on Courtney Love to step in and paint a picture of what life would be like for Whitney...unfortch I don't think the picture she is gonna paint isvery far from where Whitney is right now.
"Music mogul Clive Davis was so upset by pal Whitney Houston's decline into a drug hell, he called on rocker Courtney Love to mentor the troubled soul star, according to US reports. Love, who has gone through her own drug abuse problems and now insists she's clean and sober, jumped at the chance to help another struggling star and agreed to stage an intervention with Davis. According to the new issue of America's Us Weekly magazine, Love and Houston have become unlikely friends and former Hole star Love has turned Houston onto her own addiction counselor Warren Boyd. The publication claims Davis, who discovered Houston, is paying for her expensive counseling sessions."
The only thing I can think of these two discussing is how to hide the tracks running down their arms and legs, if they have any dealers in common, and memories of those CUHRAZY wild nights while they were high on any kind of junk they could get their hands on. I mean...really...Courtney Love? When you start using her as an example of how to live you are clearly out of options and scraping the bottom of the barrel, but sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. I can hear Clive saying, "Whitney, honey, I want you to hang out with CLove for a little while, so that you can see what your life is gonna be like if you don't start listening to McGruff and just saying 'no', because clearly listening to a cartoon dog on television is not enough motivation for you."
Apparently Joan Collins is not happy with a scathing review that Cojo offered up on her at the Emmy's this year. Cojo's exact words were: "dripping with rhinestones from Brooklyn" and said it was a "sparkle attack." He called her outfit "Beyond over the top." She responded by calling him "a horrible hideous man." First of all to Cojo, "hi kettle, you're black". You wanna talk about being over the top have a gander in the mirror, assuming they haven't all shattered in fear that casting your reflection will cause the entire world to turn into pillars of salt. Secondly to Joan I have to say, I would find it hard to take criticism from a scary queen that dresses like this:
I have never witnessed a scene quite like this, and I admit to being mentally disturbed for approximately 4 minutes 32 seconds after I witnessed this in shock and awe. Someone tell her that a drunken rasp may have worked for Iron Maiden and Janis Joplin, but doesn't work so much for her. Raspy sounds does not a singer make. I am not going to tell her because I don't want to get body slammed into next week okay.
Now instead of crowding into a gay bar toilet stall with 5 of your closest
You ain't seen ghetto until you seen Mizz Peachez fry up some chicken right next to the chicken house while her 19 chirens sit round bangin tha table wantin sum cheekin okay.
- Clive Davis is optimistic of a Whitney Houston comeback as early as the beginning of next year. [pagesix]
There was a woman that used to work at a county agency that I deal with that sat on one of these...hers was white, but I wanted to bust that thing everytime I saw it and hope that when she fell she would crack her false teeth. Is that wrong of me? I promise I am not a violent person, she just got on my ever living last nerve.
- Elisabeth Hasselback has been unable to control her big Republican cry baby emotions now that Rosie has been added to The View. Is she crying because of her political views or the fact that she will be collecting unemplurment with Star Jones next year? [dlisted]
Prada Amber Pour Homme...it comes in a cute bottle, but does not smell cute!
You know...today has been a slightly hectic day, especially now after lunch, so I think I am going to take my aggression out on three people that I don't know and I am glad that I am not, because no matter how bad it gets...it could always be worse. Now, I present to you three people that I am glad that I am not.
otherwise I wouldn't have even posted these pictures, because in reality I couldn't care less about this
Here we see Nicole Richie leaving somewhere and holding her big ass Hermes Birkin over her face. She would totally have it stolen by a well informed and place Razzi, but thanks to Lindsay that is SO last week.
I would have done this video a little bit different, but I also can't count how many times I have wanted to dig my key into the side of a pretty little supped up "four wheel drive".
- Celebrities auction off former "It" bags that are totally unfashionable and so last season on ebay for a good cause. I gotta say...I am disappointed in the selection. SJP's is cute, and so is Jamie Lynn Spears'...the rest, not so much. [source]
Remember when Jordan Knight tried to launch a comeback and that comeback included an album launch and signing party in the Wal-Mart Fine Accessories Department? I don't remember either, because I wasn't there and it is a good thing because I would have laughed in his face. I mean...there comes a time when you just need to hang up your hat and call it a damn day okay. That day has come for Jordan Knight. NKOTB is done, you are done, and would probably do good to just use your experience or talents to produce albums or to clean the offices of production companies. SOMETHING! Luckily, there was one photographer who caught all the action.
Now, all he has to do is sit and wait for the store manager to unlock the front doors for his excited fans and he will totally be back on top. What? The store is open 24 hours and the doors are always unlocked. Oh...sheesh...that's rough. BTW, is that his bodyguard in the brown stripes...or is it someone from loss prevention there to keep him from stealing toilet paper, but dressed as a regular customer so that Jordan never notices that someone is watching him?
Finally, someone recognizes him, and by the looks of her 100% denim ensemble, lace scrunchie, black roots, and country fried hair, I have a feeling she is still playing NKOTB in the tape deck of her Camaro. I am sure she is sporting some Keds and totally carrying a Liz Claiborne bag.
Of course, the day would not be complete without a visit from Jordan's biggest fan. That's right, I said it...his BIGGEST fan. And you can say..."Charlie you are going to hell for that one", but honey...the joke's on you...I am already going to hell for being a fag. But like I have said before, I will not be going to hell before the inventor of this doll. This concludes the Jordan Knight Wal-Mart tour. I wonder what is going through his mind after doing this? To have fallen so far...it's a shame. On the bright side, at least we can estimate that he at least sold two CD's that day, which isn't really a bright side when you consider that William Hung sold like 26 copies of his album. Jordan gets a "Poor Eve" from me.
Apparently Jessy Simpson heard a rumor that they were going to bring the popular Halloween cartoon to real life and she totally jumped on the bandwagon to get into character for her audition as the Great Pumpkin.
Seeing as how she apparently never actually saw end of the show, I guess it would have been better timing to tell her that the Great Pumpkin never really made an appearance despite Linus's insistance that he was going to, before she got this ridiculous "tan". For more pics, click the source link below.
Kate Bosworth's chest didnt' resemble a chainlink fence?
- Rachel Bilson, of The O.C. fame, has been tapped to play Wonder Woman in Joss Whedon's big screen adaptation of the television show. She beat out Cameron Diaz, Catherine Zeta-Jones, and Kate Beckinsale. NOW I know why Cammy died her hair black. I guess she thought it would help her get the role, because Wonder Woman had dark hair, BUT she forgot one thing...Wonder Woman also had flawless skin, and Cammy does not. In case you wanna know what it will be like, go here. [prinside]
Mena Suvari was stylish and pretty in a bizarre out of the ordinary way? Now, she is leaving the house with her hair looking like a Schitzu fresh from the groomers and seems hell bent on making a variation of brown and copper the new white, which was the new black for summer, but I have lost track of what the new black is for fall. From head to toe this outfit gets a "HELL TO THE NO".
Between his screeching like a Howler Monkey and her laughing like a Mad Scientist, I can't get enough of this video. It takes me back to the time I rode The Titan at Six Flags Arlington and I screamed so loud and high pitched that everyone three cars ahead and behind could hear me, and Brandon laughed the whole way around and then complained because he couldn't even enjoy the ride because he was laughing so hard at me. When the 12 year old girl behind me said I screamed louder than her the second time we rode I figured it was time to stop.
Who in the hell is this and why is it news that it has been discovered who she is? I have NEVER heard of this person or this video blog presented on youtube, but there is all kinds of buzz on the internet about how she isn't real. Does anyone else know why people are making a big wahoo about it?
Since when did Bath & Body Works start believing that their products were worth so much money? Yesterday, I had to go to the mall to pick up some new lenses for my glasses and my mother asked if I would pick up some Mango Mandarin Body Lotion for her while I was at the mall.
Adios to one of the most outspoken and popular governors in Texas History. She will be missed.
Looks like we will never have to ever relive the words..."BOBBY I LOVE YOU" ever again. At least we can hope. Access Hollywood
Well kids...Whitney seems to be creating a comeback for herself, and it seems she has gotten off to a haggard start. She looks as old as her Auntie or cousin Dionne...I mean...really. That is why you should say HELL TO THE NO to drugs, because if they don't kill you they will make you look the opposite of pretty.
I have seen the first four episodes of season 3 of MTV's pseudo-reality show Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County, and I am feeling a bit bored by this season. Granted they are taking a completely different direction characterwise, I am still left kind of bored. I now feel that it is my duty to begin critiquing each character from the show in a heartfelt and brutally honest way. We will begin with Cami.
Dakota Fanning is, whatever the opposite of gracing is, the cover of Teen Vogue this month, and is it just me or is she like the creepiest little kid to ever live in Hollywood? I mean...sure she was cute in that first movie she did...you know the one...where she was acting or whatever. Okay, I don't remember it either, but I remember thinking, "How cute". Fast forward and look at her now. She scares the hell out of me, and I shudder to think of running into her in a poorly lit street on Halloween when she goes out looking for souls to devour while other kids go out looking for candy. Luckily, she already has three potential costumes here. I have seen enough...thanks.
- Marc Jacobs is the best of NYC Fashion Week. Wish I could be there. [socialitelife]
According to Towleroad, HOT HOT HOT Thomas Roberts of CNN came out of the closet as a homosexual at the National Gay and Lesbian Journalists Association conference in Miami. I think he is SO dreamy. BRAVA for him, BRAVA! To read about all the deets click the source link below. BTW, he is SO much better looking than Anderson Cooper. Anderson Cooper looks sort of like a ferret compared to Thomas. Did I mention that Thomas Roberts is SO DREAMY?
- Lindsay Lohan gives the world another glimpse of her lopsided vag and also makes me realize why I am a homo. You know...for a girl that can carry around a $10,000 Birkin Bag full of $1 million dollars worth diamonds and jewelry, I have a hard time believing that this girl can't drop some money on some La Perla lady drawers. Beware, this image is NSFW, so if you click it scroll slowly when no one is around. [dlisted]
It is so refreshing to know someone that purposely goes for "The Bride of Frankenstein" look on any other day besides Halloween. I mean...who else but crazy ass Carmen Electra would do this look? And I love how she has updated it and made it more modern looking with just an upsweeping feathered look rather than an Olgilvie home perm gone wrong that has been teased 10 feet high.
Scurry: Then
I mean...really? Leo oh Leo...what the hell do you have on your feet? The all new convertible Ugg? And why did you buy them so big? Did you think you were a size 12 but are really a size 9? I can show you what a size 13 foot looks like...and it ain't yours okay. I think Old Navy has their WT flip flops (which I love btw) on sale for like .99 now...check 'em out. Spread some of that "Catch Me If You Can" money around...because afterall you can't take it with you.
- Paris and her "ilk" continues to be declined entrance to more and more venues and parties in NYC. Could this be the beginning of the end for Paris? Let's hope so. [pagesix]
I was watching Entertainment Tonight, which I don't normally do because it makes me want to barf, but Vanessa Minnillo is THE worst. She brought us her segment, in which Heather Locklear was pictured leaving a restaurant with a man that wasn
I have to agree with splashnewsonline with this one... BRAVO to Philly for erecting a statue of fictional character Rocky Balboa in the place where the birthplace of America took place.