I was watching Entertainment Tonight, which I don't normally do because it makes me want to barf, but Vanessa Minnillo is THE worst. She brought us her segment, in which Heather Locklear was pictured leaving a restaurant with a man that wasn

't David Spade (who btw...they never reported on that romance), ANYWAY...Vanessa says, "
Heather Locklear was seen leaving a Hollywood restaurant with a blonde hunk, but who is this mystery man? He is a fan of Heather's." W. T. F? He is a fan of Heather's? A fan? OH MY FREAKING LORD IN HEAVEN. I have never laughed so hard, because what star just goes to dinner with a fan that isn't a child from the Make-A-Wish Foundation or doesn't have something to do with furthering their career? Thank you for that breaking news Vanessa, you are a true sleuth at reporting...you should totally consider trying to solve the mystery of who killed the original Superman. I think you can rule out that it was one of his "fans". What a dumb bitch. Thanks SO much to Nick for unwittingly causing this hag to stick around for 15 more minutes. Why hasn't Mary Hart gotten her axed yet?
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