"You're Young and You're Wrong"
Rosie shot off at Elisabeth about the Patriot Act this morning on The View, which prompted Elisabeth to start flapping her arms wildly because she cou

Making NO apologies for stating what is obvious to me, but may be oblivious to others.
Rosie shot off at Elisabeth about the Patriot Act this morning on The View, which prompted Elisabeth to start flapping her arms wildly because she cou
Which coked-up, oversexed celeb, not previously linked with guys, gave a pleasant surprise to a visiting gay New Yorker in the backyard of a pre-Oscars party in l.A. Friday night?
Thanks for the memories girls!
Saturday, we went to Reliant Stadium for the BBQ cookoff and hung out with Mark and Jason. It was SO much fun. We are for sure going back next year. Our first stop was at the Lee County tent, where Idalia, Carrie, Laura, Becky, and the rest of their crew were hanging out eating DELICIOUS food and drinking beer.
At some point, Idalia gave me her cherry. YUM!
Financial lady guru, Suze Orman, has come out of the closet.
- Mischa is such a bff of Nicole's she has taken up the same driving habits. [flynet]
WHICH hard-partying celeb takes her escapades well into the next morning? Sources saw her snorting lines at 10 a.m., but the real problem isn't coke - waitresses at Privilege overheard her demanding "meth" from her friends.
- Usher is off the market. He is engaged to his girlfriend/stylist Tameka Foster. [pagesix]
- Rehab for you, Rehab for me, Let's all go to rehab. Britney Spears has added herself to the long list of stars to enter rehab. Of course, rehab for substance abuse is a totally different thing than rehab for racism and making homophobic slurs. Let's hope it sticks longer than her one day stint in rehab in Antigua. [TMZ]
You are truly an inspiration for breaking down so many barriers Tyra. You stripped down to a bikini that was chosen for you by someone else and photographed by a white man. COME ON! I mean...I also realize that it is the "Tyra" show, but all the self indulgent, self absorbed, self promotion has gotten a little bit out of hand. Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, and Harriet Tubman would surely join in Tyra's celebration of Black History month if they could, and I am SO sure this is exactly what the men and women who deemed February as Black History Month had in mind as a reason to celebrate when it was created...Tyra Banks talking about her damn self and how young women can have themselves objectified by men. See, this is why she will never be Oprah...because Oprah does not talk about herself in a narcissistic way, nor would Oprah consider posing on a Magazine cover and then bragging about it...mostly because she already owns the magazine and can do what she wants.
Remember when Vivica A. Fox was hot? Remember when? Do you? And remember when she looked even a gazillion times hotter standing next to fug? What has happened? I mean really? Star Jones looks like the monster she has always been, but Vivica...you used to be so fit and gorgeous.
- Anna Nicole allegedly demanded Dannielynn's nanny underfeed her so that the baby could be "sexy". Like my friend Joey said..."who doesn't want a sexy baby?". I mean...for real. The nanny also claims that Anna Nicole told her that she would have to kill her if Dannielynn ever called the nanny 'mom'. [nydailynews]
- Kelly Clarkson and Dale Earnhardt Jr? Of course, they would associate the two because they were seen canoodling in the lunch room and giggling. Lil' Miss KC needs to get her ass in the studio and get her next album out pronto...I am tired of waiting. [gabsmash]
So, I was quite excited when I heard that Jennifer Hudson was going to be gracing the cover of Vogue next month, only to be disappointed when I saw the cover shot. Girl looks like she is about to attack someone and steal their food. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Jennifer Hudson, but I think Anna Wintour, in cohorts with Matthew Knowles, secretly picked the worst picture they could of Ms. Hudson. Annie Leibovitz was the photographer, and I have a sneaking suspicion that Anna probably said..."they want real girls...we'll give them what they want. Make her look REAL, and when we are done...nobody will want to be real and they will be begging for us to bring plastic back". You know if Beyonce were on the cover they would have her airbrushed that ho to perfection, and not put her on the cover looking like she is about to attack the buffet at Golden Corral. [CL]
It seems every Z-list "celebrity" is coming out of the woodwork to talk about how they are Dannilynn's daddy or how they saw Anna Nicole's death coming and how they played a part in trying to stop it from happening. The scary ass Barbi Twins have come out saying they staged an intervention with Anna Nicole to help her get clean and that intervention went something like this:
So, some people clearly have a lot of time on their hands...and THANK GOD for that because this little tidbit might have gone undiscovered had someone not found it. From last week's episode of Lost during the brainwashing scene, there was a hidden message in the film playing. Have a look see.
Apparently Entertainment Tonight has paid Howard K. Stern $1 million for exclusive interviews regarding Anna Nicole's death. Yes...$1 million. They paid $1 million for this:
Sometimes I like to look through the real estate listings in Austin to see what is on the market and how much houses are going for. You would think that if people were going to allow a realtor to post pictures of the inside of their house they would clean up a little bit. I came across a condo that would be totally cute if it wren't such a pig sty. Based on these three pictures would you purchase this house?
Isn't she just darling?
On February 8, at hearings on the State Departments 2008 budget, Condi Rice made mention that there is a shortage of linguists, and Representative Gary Ackerman noted that 322 language specialists had been fired because of "Don't ask, don't tell"...also zinging Condi Rice with the inference that the the US Armed Forces are more afraid of gay people than terrorists. He also made mention that if the terrorists were to find this out, they would send in a band of lesbians to force the US out of Baghdad. It is quite something to watch.
Several news and entertainment websites are reporting the death of Anna Nicole Smith.
Hey kids, sorry about the lack of posts lately. There hasn't been much in the pop culture world that I want to talk about and I admit to being lazy too. I am gonna take the next few days off to reengergize myself and see if I can't cultivate my wit.
I have never been able to figure out why guys take shirtless pictures of their refelections while they stand in front of a mirror flexing their freshly worked out body. I mean...to me...it would make more sense to get a friend, sibling, or a random stranger you will never see again to snap a more flattering picture rather than a poorly lit camera phone bathroom shot. Then I came across this picture of Josh Henderson, current youngst bad boy from Desperate Housewives, on his myspace and was even more at a loss for words because he could easily go out and get the shots done by a professional photographer. Granted, I am not complaining one bit...I am just at a loss because it is kind of cheesey.
It it totally amazing how much a person's appearance can change with some veneers, some spackle, and a WHOLE lotta photoshop, but Kudos to him anyway. I present the old Elliot Yamin (from last season's American Idol):
And the new improved with a new album to boot Elliot:
- Jessica Simpson's dumb ass credits the movie "The Notebook" for providing that moment of clarity that she should end her marriage to Nick Lachey. Um...did she not watch the entire movie, because it wasn't about divorce...it was about NOT getting married to the wrong guy and reuniting with the love of her life after external forces did their best to keep them apart. Dumb slag. Someone needs to beat her. [source]
Click here to see Tom Cruise try to dance with his
I found this and thought it stunning...the best part, "fixing" an 8 year old boy.
WHICH American star's new relationship is a complete sham? The buxom babe has agreed - for a fee - to be seen out and about with her latest beau in a bid to quash
mostly because I am afraid of it swallowing me whole. I mean...really. How does this slag still have a talk show? She makes me want to barf...and even worse is her studio audience. When I was in LA trying and succeeding on getting on the Price is Right, we sat next to the people being interviewed for her studio audience. One word...TRASH. It was a zoo. I have never seen so many beasts. And all of them wanted to go on to see her bad overacting like this clip of her talking about her fat ass.
You know, I am sure their intentions were good when they designed and produced this shoe, but this is one of the most hideous pair of Chanel's I have EVER seen. Even on sale it is still $1480.00.