The Queen of Soul
There is no excuse for this:

Making NO apologies for stating what is obvious to me, but may be oblivious to others.
There is no excuse for this:
"For the HONOR of GREY SKULL"...oh wait, that is a different type of transformation. The one I am talking about requires a computer equipped with photoshop or one year in the gym and a complete halt to eating. Katie, thanks for allowing yourself to be used in the promotion of unrealistic body image, but nobody that has seen you on tv would ever believe that you are that thin...even if the camera does add 10lbs okay.
- Lance Armstrong comes and goes with Paris Hilton. Just because you beat Cancer doesn't mean you can beat an STD okay...I'm just saying.[pagesix]
Um...when your stylist starts creating your outfits based on an article of clothing that was the basis for an entirely hilarious sitcom episode he/she needs to be let go immediately, because to paraphrase Jerry, "It looks stupid and completely ridiculous".
Then again, we have to consider the mentality of the one wearing it and a hybrid version:
Here is Nicole just walking behind her current
PS - Also, does the play by play of her falling down spark a good chuckle to anyone else but me? I mean...who falls down like that...granted I don't think a person can really help how they fall down once it is set into motion, but then again I don't know many girls who wear 4 inch wedges with shorts and a sweatshirt (circa 1984) in the middle of the day. [x17online]
I HAD to comment on this little snippet from PageSix this morning.
GWEN Stefani has had it with the MTV Video Music Awards. The "No Doubt" cutie is said to be "boycotting" tomorrow's show because of the shoddy treatment she got last year. "She had a ton of nominations and was under the impression she would be taking home at least one award," our insider said. "But every award, except that lame best-dressed award, went to Kelly Clarkson, and every time Kelly won, the camera went straight to Gwen. She felt set up." Stefani also thought she was going to close the show - another honor that went to Clarkson. Stefani's rep declined comment.
First off, correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't Kelly sitting exactly three seats behind Gwen at the Music Awards? Secondly, wasn't Kelly's album like 1000 times better than Gwen's? Third why is Gwen being a little bitch about it? Get over it you big polyester hair platinum blonde baby. Gwen's album was good, but it was no "Breakaway" super hit like Kelly's okay. Set up? SET UP? Please okay, you would think John Mark Karr accused her of being an accomplice in the Jon Benet murder. Why would Gwen even go to the MTV Music Awards she even nominated for anything? Last time I checked she hasn't done anything since she birthed a baby. [pagesix]
So, me and some high school gal pals were going to celebrate Lizzy's birthday this past weekend, but Lizzy didn't show up. We had fun without her, but it would have been a blast if she had shown up. Missed you Lizzy, maybe I can get to Houston again this weekend to celebrate one more time.
Me & Becky with Benji's foolish face cropped out
Becky & Lynette
Sorry about the lack of pics...this was about it...but seeing as how the bday girl wasn't there...well, I didn't take very many. On that note, I am going to take a small break from blogging, and by short break, I mean several days. I may not be back until after Labor Day Weekend...barring any big breaking news. I need to recuperate my witty and snarky side of my brain.
- Paris Hilton's album has flipped and flopped like a fish out of water and sold all of 75,000 units in its first week of sales. I have to admit that I did not buy the album myself, despite saying that I might. I did download a few of her songs from iTunes though. [pagesix]
As if it isn't bad enough that people sell used underwear and half empty bottles of shampoo on ebay, now you can own a half eaten sandwich and corndog (professionally sealed and unedible) that some cater waiter fished out of the garbage of an event allegedly nibbled on by Britney Spears. This is too gross to even comment on. For all you nasty bastards out there that want some Spears saliva for her white trash DNA, you can place your bid here, you have until August 31st. The current bid is at $41.00.
Wow, I can't believe that Chastity Bono made it to the Red Carpet at the Primetime Emmy's last night. I can only assume that she is doing some kind of correspondence for VH1 Celebreality. Good for her. I wonder what Cher thinks? I am not really feeling the outfit though...she has LOST so much weight since Celebrity Fit Club. Kudos...and I don't mean the candy bar....she looks great.
No, I do not. Thank you and goodnight. Saturday night was spent in Houston, supposed to be celebrating my friend Lizzy's birthday, but Lizzy did not show up because she had no babysitter. Happy Birthday Lizzy! Anyway, I had gotten a hotel room for her and two of my other friends to stay downtown so that we would not have to drive back to Pearland semi drunk. We started the night out at the straight bars and ended up at gay afterhours at South Beach down in Montrose. I was dressed cutely, at least everyone said that I was, and I felt confident, composed, and classy...despite throwing back several Mandarin/Sevens and three shots. First off, we walk into SOBE and have to pay a cover. I got through as the door guy was like..."it is $9". I replied..."IS IT?" in my high pitched squealing voice, as he started throwing attitude at Becky. Actually I should say it wasn't the door guy, it was the minimum age earning guy that stamps your hand so you can get back in. We hit the dancefloor and dance for a couple of songs, I go to pee, and run into them when I get back and Becky is not feeling well so she tells me that they are going to the car for a bit. I stand perched looking on the dancefloor for Miles (B's friend from work) and this rugged ass little shirtless Mexigay comes up to me, gives me the up and down look and says..."you're hot, you have a hot body" with a semi thick accent. Can I just tell you that I was not impressed and I have my clothes on, how do you know this? "I can just tell, do you wanna dance?" No, I am waiting for my friends. "Oh, where is your boyfriend?" Stupidly I told him that I didn't have one...dumbass me. He turned around and backed into me and started grinding away and then he grabbed my hands and made me feel his fat bloated body. I was like..."no ma'am". Then he dragged me to the bar where we he proceeded to ask me my name and he told me that his name is Gilbert and that he was just released from the military and it was his frist time in a gay bar. Uh huh...I don't know any new gays that just jump right in and run around a club without a shirt on. I replied...I don't believe you for a second because I don't know anyone that has just "come out" that immediately runs around without a shirt on. At this point he starts posing and flexing. "Do you like that? Do you like my bicep?" I this really happening to me? He looked SO stupid and I started laughing and really don't need to flex for me, I am embarassed for you for doing that. Just to give you a mental picture, this guy was about 5'6" tall and beefy, but not a good beefy. He clearly works out, but he does not do cardio, and his muscles were not defined at all and he just kind of looked more like he had boobs than a muscular chest. "Am I bothering you? You can tell me if I am bothering you." I thought...let's see what else he will do, and one never to pass up a possibly funny story, I told him no. Then he tried to reach in to kiss me, and I backed away. "Aww...what's the matter?" I said, Gilbert, I don't know you and I may be drunk...but I'll pass on the mouth to mouth, but thanks for assuming that I would be desperate enough to fall for your flexing ways. After dragging me around the bar for what felt like an eternity, but was only 5 minutes I found Miles and left. This story is much funnier when it is performed and I can add his accent, but I will never forget the flexing...EVER.
WILL IT?!?!?!? Can I just say, that in my time with my job and no actual IT department, I have had to do more than my fair share of calling some tech support line to Dell alone, usually getting some hillbilly or an Asian person that I can't understand. I LOATHE calling support lines, much like I LOATHE high water pants, clown makeup, and Vanessa Minnillo. Well, I had to make a call to Kodak's toll free support number last week (when my dad's digital camera's flash stopped working), AFTER going through an online form that was supposed to help me bypass the support line. The interactive troubleshooting was to eventually lead me to a form to fill out and print along with instructions as to where to send it. Well, I fill out the form, submit it, and wait for my instructions to send it off. Did those instructions magically appear? HELL TO THE NO. After spending 30 minutes trying to find more info on their website, I kept getting redirected to fill out the form again and again and again. I was THROUGH. I eventually called Kodak's help line where I reached an Indian woman Abby, who was surprisingly understandable. I immediately told her my situation before she could ask me any questions, our dialogue end like this:
Yoanna House would be SO proud of Britney's near exact copy of her fashion choice:
Is there some kind of cartoon wannabe trend going on in Hollywood these days, what with Cammy D looking like a He-Man character and now Britney has copied the stylings of Alice in Wonderland's Mad Hatter? I guess it wasn't enough she look like Miss Piggy, she had to sport the hat too.
- William H. Macy does not <3 Lindsay Lohan one bit. [mollygood]
Can someone tell Mischa Barton to stop watching Gone With the Wind at her Gammy's house because she is tired of Mischa reenacting Scartlet's drapery dress making scene with her window treatments, and as God as my witness I know this girl can afford a stylist.
Okay, I can only think of three reasons Cammy D would have colored her hair black. 1) She did it to match her dark insides, 2) She heard the story about how much JT's momma loved Britney when he dated her and how much she STILL adores her and figured since they both have bad skin the only thing left was to go see Brit's colorist, or 3) She heard a rumor about a movie remake of He-Man and totally wanted to audtion for the part of Evil-Lyn.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE how you can see the drunk in her eyes and facial expressions in this picture. Girl looks like she hit the bottle hard, then again, as skinny as this bitch is, it probably only took a thimble of vodka to knock her to the ground. To see more click on the source link at the bottom.
Shopping at Buckle, unless you have a handy supply of Xanax to help deal with the anxiety that will be caused by overzealous salespeople. I swear everytime I go in there...for something specific mind you...they try to get me to buy one of everything in the store. My friend Jason wanted a pair of Lucky jeans so we went to Buckle, where the salesman bombarded us with stupid questions, i.
I thought black was supposed to be slimming. Also, wearing all black is never recommended for the gal who can't tan, because you just look like a washed up vampire...which Lindsay very well could be, and is she wearing those boots because she is trying out for the role of Pocahontas at Walt Disney World?
According to, Superman Returns' Brandon Routh is engaged to some girl that isn't me. That make Charlie sad.
You know, I think Reichy might be a little bit drunk in this clip. His eyes look like they are rolling around in his head...much like mine do after one too many Absolut Mandarin and Sevens' topped off by a forced shot from Matt Davis. And speaking of booze, hearing him say, "I have one more thing...I have the most beautiful boyfriend" as his eyes wander the ENTIRE crowd while Lance is to his left behind the camera makes me want to barf like I am sick with a hangover.
But, I seriously doubt she wears the ones she is gonna be selling at I mean...really? How jackass is this ad? Let's dissect this ad shall we? First, Jessy looks like an extra from The Stepford Wives with her head cocked to the side like that. Second, why in God's name would she put her butt ass ugly "sytlist" in the ad with her? He is SO effing unattractive and seeing that blank look on his face added with the fact that he looks like a masculine woman dressed like a 20 year old twink would not make me more inclined to buy synthetic hair. Third, does it really have to say "world premiere" it is a movie or something? Furthermore...why can't Jessy find her an attractive gay? There are a million fags in LA that are MUCH hotter and would probably jump at the chance to be her gay. I wouldn't, but I am sure someone would. I say that "hairdo" is a big ole hairdon't okay.
Judging by these photos and the direction her hand is going...
- Paramount realizes Kathy Griffin is right when she says "when you are so crazy the gays won't have anything to do with you anymore" and joins the bandwagon by letting Tom Cruiseazy go after all of his crazy ass shenanigans. [yahoo news]
What has happened to Burt Reynolds and how come he left the house looking like this? I guess it is true, you can hit an age where all the plastic surgery in the world cannot turn back the clock. Furthermore, it is one thing to have plastic surgery at 98, but it is quite another to look like hide stretched over skeleton, okay.
Well, the rap world has spoken of K-Fed's performance at the Teen Choice Awards, and ain't good ya'll. Now, granted K-Fed is a totally amazing rapper...what with rhyming "superstar" and "superstar" and talking about Christal (despite the current boycott against the stuff), but according to industry insiders there is one big thing holding him back from becoming a "taken seriously" rap star, and it isn't his lack of rhymes or the fact that he is a scab for drinking Christal. That one big thing would be his big fat pregnant gum chewing wife ya'll.
Jermaine Hall, executive editor of King magazine, echoes that sentiment. "The thing that really hurts him is the fact that he's perceived as Britney's husband," Hall, who had yet to see the performance, told the AP. "You know, kinda like Britney's second — I don't even want to say second in command, but — he's like the Britney Boy. He's like Mrs. Spears, and it's kinda hard to get over that perception."
Britney's boy bitch is probably a little more accurate, but that is just my opinion. Although a boy bitch would be more attentive than this guy is. [yahoonews]
I took a listen to Paris' new album on iTunes this morning and my initial reaction is: it is really not bad and I will probably buy it. I am sure it is completely fabricated and overproduced, and as much as I HATE to put more money in that skeez's Dior bag, I will probably buy it. DAMN YOU PARIS...DAMN YOU FOR LURING ME IN WITH YOUR SIREN SOUNDS!
In yesterday's page six...see if you can guess/agree with my choices.
Nicky Hilton just finished her 8th grade economics project "How to Build a Hotel My Way", presented it to investors as a serious and professional business plan, and then turned it in late to her teacher. I would give her a 58 for being late and for her poor work. Is she kidding me with this? Did she really make a presentation to investors with those as her visual aides? I mean how can anyone take her serious when all she did was cut pictures out of a magazine and paste them to posterboard? Ever hear of using digital resources? While we are on the topic of dumb ill conceived is that top? She looks about 10lbs heavier than she probably is. Dumb ass.
And why did she let Paris talk her into bringing her pet with her to the presentation? Is it male or female?
I tell you, much like American Idol with Taylor Hicks, Britney Spears is gonna lose SO much money on her latest venture with hubby Kevin Federline in Federation Records. His performance at the Teen Choice Awards was a riot...and not in a good way. She has got to be the dumbest wife ever. Why doesn't she just throw bags of money out with the garbage? And while she is at it, set him on the curb next to it. And what is with the FUHREAKIN gum? SPIT. IT. OUT.
The first time I saw this young