I'm Taking Off
Have a Happy New Year kiddos...I am off to Seattle for the rest of the holiday and I won't be back until next year!

Making NO apologies for stating what is obvious to me, but may be oblivious to others.
Have a Happy New Year kiddos...I am off to Seattle for the rest of the holiday and I won't be back until next year!
I saw this ad and thought...OMG, I totally have to live there. The clearly typed out ebonics alone makes this place seem like a dream. Nevermind the dated furniture, the soiled mattress, and the window unit that doesn't look big enough to cool the inside of my Jeep. The quality of life with the cold place to put food, and lack of bad altitudes makes this place seem like heaven. Although, I am not quite sure what a Gay Back Male is...do you? See for yourself in this unintentionally HILARIOUS Craigslist post. PS - you may have to read some of the words a couple of times to figure out what he is trying to say.
"She's Beyoncé, and I'm (Jay-Z's) new protegee. When we see each other we say hi. We're not enemies, but we're not 'friends' friends." — Rihanna, on her relationship with the rap mogul Jay-Z's Grammy-winning gal pal (Chris Ashford/Camera Press/Retna Ltd.)
I went downtown with some friends last night and parked in a garage I don't usually park in...and I will never ever park there again. I go to get my car this morning and I pull up to the "gate" that had an attendant and the conversation went a little like this:
Okay...Jessy Simpson's 15 minutes came and went like 4 years ago, and Ashlee's career was over before it ever began. All of this makes me wonder why Jessy keeps trying to make movies (that her Pimp Daddy prays to Jesus won't go straight to video) and Ashlee keeps dragging her haggard voiced ass into recording studios to lay down over synthesized tracks. I mean...apparently their daddy believes that Jessy is the next Julia Roberts and is blabbing all over Hollywood that she is going to be the next "Pretty Woman". Uh huh...sure...Jessica OBVIOUSLY has the star quality and acting calibre that Julia possesses. If you can't tell...I am being completely sarcastic. All of this is coming from OK! Magazine, and she is quoted as saying that she thinks this has "hit" written all over it and could rebound her career. BITCH it is plain and simple...YOU CAN'T ACT!!!! And here is a hot tip...quit ripping people off like Beyonce and come up with something more original. DAMN! Is it that hard? Wait...I forget who I am talking about. Then there is Ashlee who has released a new video for some song that sounds like La-La but goes Ya Ya or something. The video is not cute and neither is the song, BUT it is just awful enough to get stuck in your head on a continuous loop so listen at your own risk. Another hot tip...BITCH it is plain and simple...you can sing just about as good as your sister can act. If you can't translate it...YOU CAN'T SING!!!
Talk about a trainwreck of a family...Jamie Lynn Spears is preggers ya'll!!! At 16, she is pregnant with her "longtime" boyfriend Casey Aldridge. What the hell? Longtime boyfriend? What is "longtime" for a teenager? I know an LTR in gay is like 6 months, and I know people that consider 3 months a long stretch. What is going on? She is 16. So many questions...and yet I am trying t
Luckily, my new job does not require me to use I35 after I leave work in the evening, but it is down by UT campus which sucks just as much because of the student traffic. However, a couple weeks ago I did have to endure the loathesome rush hour traffic on Mopac and wanted to scream until my lungs burst. It was then and there that I came up with my top 10 reasons I hate Austin traffic...in no particular order of course.
Today's music video of the day comes from Delta Goodrem and it is titled "Believe Again". Have a listen to it...the lyrics kind of spoke to me on several levels.
and not even in a good way. So, my new job has me working from 9-6 everyday...I used to work 8-5 and I have realized that I am an 8-5 person. I get up, go to work, go to the gym, go home and make dinner, sit and watch tv for a few minutes, take a shower, lay in bed talking on the phone until I pass out. I have had like ZERO time to write on here and I have REALLY let it all kind of go for the past few weeks and I am going to play a steady game of catch up here in the next couple of weeks...hopefully. I have missed writing and making comments on all of the latest going's on, but at the same time I don't miss it. At my old job, I sat idle quite a bit and had time to write and carry on about stupid stuff. Not so much anymore. I had a phone interview with a company in California yesterday and the interview went really well and he moved me to the second round of interviews. I am excited about the possibility of making a huge change to my life by moving to California...at least for a little bit. What else has been going on? I am doing contract work for my old job today so I will have some free time to be dumb and write on here...hopefully.
I just love a good pun..PUNS!!!! Enough to go around. Carrie and the girls are coming back...as all you homos and fag hags know, and I am sort of excited about what is in store for us. Here is the trailer...and can I just say...New York City has never looked better.
So, I am kind of back in the swing of things again and I am going to start posting more often. I have been in training all week long and it has been quite a scene. Last night I attended a Christmas Party in Westlake Hills at a gorgeous house that has one of the most breathtaking views of Austin I have ever seen. For this post, I am going to take a page from my friend Al's blog and play back some of the more memorable quotes that I said and/or overheard at last night's event.