In today's news...
-Paramount finally realizes that Tom Cruise is no longer worth the amount of money they have been paying him like he once was, won't hire him for any new productions until he takes a significant pay cut, and opts to let his contract "lapse". I mean...really...who wants to employ a crazy couch jumping lunatic these days? Of course, this money cutback also applies to big names such as Jim Carrey & Reese Witherspoon, Tom Cruise just happens to be the crazy one that brings attention to the story. Luckily, LiLo was made an example of by her boss, as to put all of the youngsts on alert that they can be easily replaced.[timesonline]
-Cingular has decided to tack on an extra fee to customers who are still

-Houston we have a problem, Pharrell says if he becomes the first rapper astronaut that he is afraid whitey is gonna lock him out of earth. [junkiness]
-Wednesday is National Underwear Day, so get your ass to Times Square in Manhattan and check out all the hot bodied underwear models that will be put on display like the pieces of meat they are. Click the source link for pictures from last year and to help out by doing your part. [freshpair]
-Personally, I think that Lance Bass' ex-boyfriend is much cuter (and more my type) than his current Fame whore of a boyfriend Reichen. Take a gander at ALL the pictures of the two of them together. Much cuter couple than the current plasticky situation he has going on right now. [justjared]
-Star Jones handing out love advice? Isn't that one of those oxymoron things? I am sorry, but I can't take someone who believes her husband is not a homo seriously. Furthermore, she is the last person I would use as a "love coach". Oh and look...they have an interactive Star. Is there an option to beat her with a club? The brains behind this idea needs to be fired immediately. [AOL]
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