No shit Tyra...we all know you arne't a size 2, because you have been talking about it on every outlet that will let you talk about how you aren't a size 2. There I just said it two more times for you...happy now? And if you are not a size 2, then how about you show a REAL picture of you on the cover of Shape, because I could hear that photoshop STILL moaning in agony from working overtime. Geez, I feel we need to have a talk about the rest of this picture? First off, Tyra isn't that skinny. I don't think her Amazon sized body could fit on the cover of this magazine had they not shaved off some excess, and BTW, Shape is clearly promoting unrealistic body image. Shame on them. Second, where did she get that wig from? I swear it is from one of the girls on Mo'Nique's Charm School, because it looks like they just sat it on top of her head and said...don't move. BARF. Third, those breasts don't even look real. We ALL KNOW Tyra does not look like that in real life okaaay.
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