Most beautiful gap tooth bitch?...because it's not her fault she is so gap toothed. Surely, I had to have fallen into a very deep sleep thanks to the hot power of Lunesta and I

am living in a nightmare or I have opened my eyes in an alternate universe where Drew Barrymore is the #1 hot girl. Next you are going to tell me that the Unicorn actually did get on the Ark with Noah and they have become the number one ingredient in McDonald's hamburgers. Please tell me I am experiencing one of those...I beg of you...because I may weep if you don't. Are the people over at People working with beer goggles on? I mean...really. It is okay if they admit it...we have all indulged in a little boozy behavior at work at one time or another, and while Drew Barrymore has gotten more attractive over the years and probably gets drop dead knock down GORGEOUS after 14 beers, NEVER as hot as #1 hot girl for 2007. Okay...even that's a lie...I don't think she would be THAT gorgeous even after 27 beers, a round of booze induced unconsciousness, and 3 Viagra. Of course, last year they had Kirstie Alley's muy gigante ass on the cover last I think People should just not be considered a credible source when it comes to judging beauty. Although, they did get it right with Matt McConaughey for most beautiful man, but I am gay so...oh well. PS, I decided to use her airbrushed photo from People as to try to help support their cause, be we all know that Photoshop was moaning in agony. I just thank my lord and savior Jesus Christ that Cammy D was not on the cover, because...well we all know my feelings on Cammy D. Which BTW, some skinny twig bitch from E! straight up stole my nickname for her.
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