Reichen/Lance Bass Saga Allegedly Continues
Okay, I just have one thing to say about reality stars. You are not a star once your show ends. You have your moment and should ride off into the sunset and go back to your regular life, because the majority of you people have less than no talent and the desperate attempts to hold onto some sort of "career" aren't cute. Case in point, Reichen from The Amazing Race. It is not that big of a secret, from what most people in Hollywood say, that he and Lance Bass are dating. Then I get wind of this "news" from Janet Charlton's website:
"The two dudes go out of their way NOT to be photographed together - especially during their Provincetown vacation. We hear they actually have a good REASON for wanting to keep their male romance under cover - according to an insider, this power couple is shopping

Yes, by all means, please keep the cat in the bag, because that would be a tragedy if everyone were to find out. I took a survey and three out of three office workers don't care and would not watch this on tv, because frankly...this couple sounds boring. I doubt they would be as entertaining as Kathy G. or Being Bobby Brown. I guess the Big R realizes his Hollywood hopes of being a real actor will never come to pass, and has decided to stick to what pays the bills: reality tv, but to make a publicity stunt out of Lance's coming out? This just makes me wonder even more if he is just using L

Endnote: If I were to be on a reality show, I would probably do the same thing that most of them do as the 15 minutes of fame begins to end. Hold on for dear life and try to feed life into it, because I think once the "bug" bites you, you never really are cured of it.
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