Spencer is a Hero
Since all of California is burning, I knew it was only going to be a short time before Heidi and Spencer were going to find a way to spin some publicity out of the whole thing. Heidi and Spence's Hollywood home was near the line of fires. The couple recently spoke to Ryan Seacrest about their harrowing experience. Before I quote them, can I just say that Ryan Seacrest is really looking low rent these days with his continuing chats with this couple and being a producer for that Kim Cardashgirl's show, but I digress. Anyway, Heidi called 911 and then ran to get a water hose to put out the fire. HAHAHA, hun, a water hose isn't going to do it. That little stream of water against a wall of fire...you might was well be using a medicine dropper to kill that mess. After reading People's little blurb about them, you will totally swoon for Spencer and his heroics. He should be given a medal of honor by the City of Los Angeles and made an honorary fireman. I popped a woody when I read it, but that was more from imagining what the actual firemen looked like...not Spencer.

“It was her and I putting out the fire with the hose,” Pratt, 24, tells Seacrest. “Until the firemen got there. They were fast.” “The fire is out now,” Pratt told Seacrest Monday morning. But the situation made fiancée Montag, 21, stop and realize this wasn’t a stunt for reality TV, but rather a dose of real life. “Spencer was down there with the garden hose and I was like, oh, what have our lives come to!”
DING! DING! DING! That is the correct question Heidi...what HAS your life come to? Shameless backstabbing to get ahead, an engagement to a big douche that doesn't even rate when put next to Summer's Eve Spring Fresh Scent, turning on your besties for that same douche, and being an all around dumbass with the blank stare on your face when things don't satisfy you. Funny how it takes a murderous fire for the bitch to realize that real life ain't a bunch of lights and cameras. I can totally see her using this as a reason to declare her love for Lauren and yap about how this has given her perspective and life is too short and try to reconcile their friendship. BTW, have you bitches heard her new single? I have, and I think I prefer someone to light a screeching Roman Candle in my ear, because at least with that I know the pitch and note that is being "sung" and while I might go deaf from the Roman Candle, it would be less likely to make my ears bleed. [people]
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