Will People Around Me Thank Me?
You know...I saw this ad on another blog that I read and thought...wow...those look like they are totally comfy but DAMN they would stank up a room during the summer. Can you imagine wearing these during a hot Texas summer? That "fur" would get all matted down and they would wreak something fierce, and while my feet might thank me for cushioning them with luxurious synthetic wool or dog hair or whatever they are made of, the people around me would look at me with hate, fire, and brimstone in their eyes because 1) they are ugly and tacky and 2) the smell of foot is not attractive to most regular people.

Of course this is totally something those damn bitches on The Real Housewives of Orange County would wear. Lori would be the first one and then that Petunia Pig looking brunette that thinks it is normal behavior to have six houses (leaving one to each child when you die) would have at least three pair at each house.
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