Protesting Scruf
Can someone please hire these girls to do something...I mean...really. Is Burger King hiring...oh wait, Brooke already works for them. Do they have nothing else to do? I mean, there is nothing and then there is NOTHING. I think joining NOSCRUF.ORG (National Organization of Social Crusaders Repulsed by Unshaven Faces) is even less than nothing. When I saw this I thought, "Surely this is a joke of some kind and CANNOT be real", but no.

I am, at times, against a man having facial hair and at other times I am not, but to protest it? I am REAL sure that Brooke is going to go around with unshaved legs considering she makes her living doing this:
Please tell me this is has to be! As a woman, I'm at a loss of words for this crap! never can tell with the Hollywood crowd...give them a cause, whether it be real or make them believe it is real and they will ride it for all the PR they can get.
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