As a former slave of the mega-retailer Wal-Mart, I took great pleasure in a
recent article talking about how they have been caught by the House of Fendi for hocking fake

handbags at several Sam's Club locations. As a homo that is also obsessed with handbags, I laughed and laughed and laughed. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc has been trying to upgrade their image over the past few years by luring in high end customers with luxury items that include diamonds, gold, plasma televisions, high end accessories (ie Prada and Fendi), but I don't see how selling fake Fendi's is going to help them. Typically, a good "in the know" shopper will recognize the subtle differences in the quality. Of course, some people don't care, because surely if Sam's Club is selling it, then it must be real. HA! Look, if you want to find a cheap bag, head down to your local "Chinatown", no offense, but that is usually where you can find a replica. I think it is a little bit late for Wal-Mart to upgrade its image. Everyone knows it is a low cost place to shop and that is precisely what draws in the low-rent clientelle, whom rich folks want nothing to do with. I am not rich, and I don't even want anything to do with any of them. While we are on the subject of upgrading your image, how about doing something about all the parents that let their kids run around the store tearing shit up. I walked into the Wal-Mart at Ben White and I-35 in Austin a few weeks ago and there were kids everywhere. I thought it was a damn carnival. I walked in and didn't even make it to the electronics department before I decided that it wasn't worth the walk I had to take to get there. That is one of the main reasons that I don't go into a Wal-Mart. I HATE most kids (my friends' kids are excluded from this by default), and I have no patience for them and their bad behavior. I have

even less patience for kids whose parents' do not discipline them for acting horribly in the store. Then, when the kids don't get their way, they throw a fit until the parent buys something for them. When I worked there, I noticed that the Mexicans are really bad at reprimanding their children. First of all, this isn't the streets of Mexico, where it is okay to run around like a chicken with your head cut off, if they want to act like an animal you better keep them on a leash. While I am at it, can I just bitch about kids in general. On the plane next to me, in a stroller blocking my way, and in the booth at a lovely restaurant while I am trying to have a quiet dinner. ACK! Secondly, your attempts to offer a higher end line of fashion are going to fall flat, because the name "Metro 7", doesn't conjure images of "style" for me. Target has done a splendid job by getting BIG NAME desingers (ie Isaac Mizrahi, Luella Bartley, etc) on board to design clothes for them), and you are gonna bring out "Metro 7". What the hell is that? And call me old fashion, but the whole "one stop shop" is a bit overrated. It may be convenient, but I don't think I want to load a bunch of food in the same basket as motor oil and chemicals. You could also change up your dress code, because the whole non-jeans rule, encourages form fitting stirrup pants that are NOT flattering on anyone...period. There is nothing wrong with jeans, considering the right pair of jeans can make someone look fabulous, especially when it is coupled with a cute top and fabulous accessories...just not a fake Fendi.
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