You know, I realize that the syndication royalties for "Saved By The Bell

" in no way bring in "Seinfeld" money, but come on...they are selling them on iTunes now. Is it necessary for this lower than the D-List actor to resort to selling t-shirts to
save his house? I kind of thought that someone that looked like him would have parlayed (sp?) his talents into something behind the camera, but I guess that would be a heavy and loud "Hell to the no". After reading his predicament, I am less than sympathetic for him. I mean...really. He put his trust in some shyster of a money man, and the man did nothing for him. To which he replies..."Let's face it, if he can't find the time to work on a mortgage for a famous celebrity, how will he handle the average person?" Um, Mr. Diamond's "famous celebrity" days are over, and calling himself a "famous celebrity" is reaching for something that isn't there. It is sort of like Diamonique sold by QVC. Diamonique stones are not real diamonds. They are pretty and they sparkle, but they aren't real. I am sorry that he got taken by such a duplicitous person, because nobody deserves to lose their home because of a shady ass dirtbag, who was probably on the receiving end of a take. Furthermore, I have my own bills to pay, and refuse to send money to a former celebrity save his house because he spent his "Saved By The Bell" money on licorice, sodas, and prostitutes. Besides, if anyone is getting any of my money it will be a charity that is fighting for something worthwhile like a cure for AIDS, or Cancer. Although, he might want to check into VH1's Celebreality series...I don't know how much they pay, but some is better than none (it was good enough for cousin Balki). Also, drug studies are a good source of income for the destitute but healthy individual. OH, and aluminum cans fetch a pretty penny these days too!
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