Bots, spam...WHATEVER! I hate them and they are SO annoying to me. If you don't know what I am talking

about then you don't have a MySpace page. These are the fake profiles that want to be added to your friend list so they can ply you with free ring tone ads and crap like that. It is usually ALWAYS the same girl, they just change her name. Then you click on the profile and it is all about sex and how she wants to get crazy with everyone and what not. They always have just ONE photo and it is usually the screen shot from a webcam of her probably getting all buck nasty on the internet for some lowlife dirty old man because she is "paying her way through college to become a Dr." or some shit like that. What are people they think that it will be good for a long term career with that kind of mess in their background. Then again...who am I to judge. off topic. I swear...I got an invite from Carol today, and I think Scarol would be more appropriate of a name, because bitch looks like the crazy kind of girl that would meet up with you to get freak nasty, tie you up with the expectation of getting beat with red hot pokers while wearing nipple clamps only to have her go to the bathroom, come out fully dressed and steal your wallet, clothes, and all that is left of your dignity. Needless to say...DENIED. Sad part is, there is probably some poor pathetic nerd out there that says yes to all of these spam friends and probably thinks..."These sisters sure are hot...what do you call it when a mom has 20+ identical daughters?" Either mom is part canine and gave birth to a litter of human babies that may or may not have dog senes, or the only other explanation is cloning, and that hasn't been perfected in human trials yet. I wonder if they have male versions of this spam, because that would be kinda hot to have 30 guys that looked the same but had different names as my friends. BUT, they would all have to be gay.
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