Making NO apologies for stating what is obvious to me, but may be oblivious to others.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Homo say what?
Apparently, I am late arriving to the party where this William Sledd person is concerned. I had no idea who he was until today when I was reading another blog and came across an entry about him. After seeing his "Youtube-cast", I am at a loss for words as to what exactly the appeal is, or what exactly makes him an expert on such things as fashion do's and don'ts...because last time I checked The Gap (his place of employment) isn't exactly fashion forward. And please DON'T EVEN get me started on their Banana Republic-esque pricing, but I digress. After doing more extensive background checking, he apparently has a Video blog for Bravo...yes, that's right, Bravo the television network. I am in shock and awe as to why they would find this little fairy remotely interesting enough to give him 15 minutes of fame. I guess to each his own, because I guess there are people out there that desire his particular sense of style, but I thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that I don't know any of them. I can't even tell you the last time I stepped foot in a Gap. I did come across his latest posting on YouTube where cameras followed him to a Bravo shindig where he talks about an apparent crush on Tim Gunn, even referring to a picture of them together as "SO CUTE" or something, gets multiple photos with my Bravo crush Jeff Lewis, and talks incessently about how he had "a little bit to drink". Of course, the best part of the whole thing is when he tries to call out Perez Hilton (who clearly does not have time for this fairy) for wearing overalls, because I am guessing Sledd thinks people actually listen to his advice (read: closet queens who think Sledd is an actual representation of our community). Anyway, Sledd gets all excited about the confrontation that he clearly loses when Perez says..."Scary is the amount of makeup you have on", to which Sledd replies..."Scary is your hair color!". OH SNAP Sledd, you told Perez. Barf, why am I even talking about this? Watch it for yourself.
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