Thursday, July 12, 2007

Can Jessy get any LESS original

Friends of Jessica Simpson say she has left the luxury of Hollywood for two days in boot camp in Shreveport. She is going so she can learn how to do all the army drills correctly and learn how to salute. The movie will be called "Major Movie Star", and will be about a down on her luck actress that joins the Army who also catches her husband in bed with her hairdresser. Um...correct me if I am wrong, but didn't Goldie Hawn already do a version of that movie with "Private Benjamin"? Maybe I am wrong, but it sounds suspiciously similar...only with Jessy's you can substitue socialite with actress, and husband's death with cheathing husband. It is sure to be box office gold! Remember how she did a remake of "Working Girl"? and the production company has pushed back the release of the movie, because word has it that it is SO bad that it isn't even worth a straight to DVD release. She is awful and just needs to go ahead and go to the house, because nobody cares about her anymore, and her Pimp Daddy Joe needs to quit ripping people off and calling their work "his idea". [nydailynews]

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