Tuesday, July 10, 2007

What does JJ Abrams have up his sleeve?

For everyone that went to see Transformers, you probably saw a bizarre trailer set at a going away party for some guy in NYC. The trailer ended with the Statue of Liberty getting her head chopped off, but left us with no title. Well a bunch of sites have cropped up dealing with this as of yet untitled movie and I am just as confused now as I was then.

A blog ethanwaswrong which has some cryptic mess on it. No idea what it says.
A site ethanhaaswasright.com which takes you to a page with a puzzle. Follow the highlighted triangles to open the sphere, but what you are supposed to do with the ball when it opens is unkown.
Then there is the myspace page.
This man makes me crazy with his Lost and now this. UGH!

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