I really hate it when people who clearly have NO disability use handicap placards to get a close parking space because they are fat and lazy. Recently I witnessed a Giddings Elementary School teacher, who may actually be retired now, doing this. She pulls up and parks her big ole Suburban in the handicapped spot and proceeds to place the placard on the rear view mirror,
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of her car and hops down onto the ground, and then walks perfectly into the building. NEVERMIND the fact that the non handicap parking spot only increases her walk by about five feet, but we would all be in agreement that she could use the calorie burn. All the while this is happening, I am trying to figure out what exactly her handicap is...you know other than her complete lack of fashion sense...HUN, the homemade country gal t-shirts adorned with puffy paint and ribbons and extra buttons glued on them were not even cute back in 1987 when they were considered "rural fashion" and they sure as hell aren't cute in 2007, nor are you high enough on the social scale to even try to attempt to bring them back. Also...stirrup pants with socks pulled over them at the bottom...really? Oh and can we not forget the dirty Keds. I mean...the least she can do is take her big ole butt to Target and get some affordable but cute fashions. Someone told me that she had her knees replaced, and I kind of was like..."oh...really? When?" The answer was..."like two years ago". REALLY!?!?!?!?!? So bitch IS just fat and lazy. I can understand needing the little blue guy hanging from her mirror for the duration of and a tiny bit following her rehabilitation back into society as an upright homosapien that can put one foot in front of the other, but apparently she feels the need to extend that time, for all of saving her five feet. Meanwhile I have a friend whose mother also had her knees or hips replaced and had to use a walker, but did she park in the handicap spot...HELL NO. She walked the extra five feet. Then again, the faker and her husband both seem to be morally and ethically bankrupt so I guess it is to be expected. I only wish she would get caught...you know, like those people that claim disability and workers' comp only to be tailed by a P.I. and roasted like a peanut on camera.
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