“I asked her four questions and she didn’t even answer me. I literally stood there and tried to ask a couple of questions. At one point I just kind of let the E! microphone sit in front of her for a second to see if she was going to acknowledge it, and she clearly wanted nothing to do with me or my question or my answer or any of it.”
Let's go to the clip and see what happened:
#1. Brad was in a movie, NOT Angie. She was being respectful to him because it was HIS time.
#2. Ryan is talking about making breakfast and what their day was like...IN Los Angeles (like they would have spent their morning in New Orleans and just flown in), and asking what they made. Who cares if they have eggs and bacon? Who is he...CPS...trying to make sure the kids are fed or what?
#3. All four of his questions were stupid and I miss Kathy Griffin asking the good stuff.
#4. Maybe Ryan would get more respect from Angie if he were true to himself and came out of the closet like a good little faggot gay should.
#5. Ryan is a douche and maybe Angie just wasn't in need of that Spring fresh feeling during the middle of the Winter okay. Not even in LA.
#6. POOR EVE! Get over yourself, you aren't that important, but you ARE that annoying.
Ryan’s co-host defended Angelina by saying that she has said in the past that she doesn’t really enjoy those type of events. To which Ryan responded, “Well then don’t go. Don’t go. Don’t go support your man. Don’t go.” Yeah, and then when she doesn't go, rumor mills like Ryan and E! spread it like wildfire that Angie and Brad are on the outs because she didn't come to the GG's with him. Get a f'ing brain Seacrest before I send Kathy Griffin to come kick your ass. [source]
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