Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Not So News

- Dinasaurus Lohan is SO very proud of Lindsay for checking into rehab. Proud? Isn't she part of the problem...because I thought she was part of the problem. [sow]

- Diddy was black listed from the CAA party after the Golden Globes and shows the world that he clearly thinks because he is rich he can get in anywhere. No sir. "The rapper tried to attend the CAA party after the Golden Globes, but when the hip-hop mogul arrived with his entourage at the Sunset Tower, he was told his name wasn't on the list. When Diddy became "verbally abusive and started yelling at security," said one witness, hotel owner Jeff Klein came out and "kindly asked Puffy to leave." Combs shouted, "What are you going to do - call the police?" Klein said, "Yes!" Combs shouted back, "Just try it - I'll spend the rest of my life hunting you down!"" Poor P, can't get into the party, and really...what good does he think it is going to do for him to threaten the host and his chances for future parties? Jackass. [pagesix]

- "Fed Up" revealed as Britney song hoax. Basically all you need to know is that it isn't her. [pagesix]

- All black people look the same to Brad Pitt. [pagesix]

- Britney's new beau, Isaac Cohen, was treated to a shopping spree at Ed Hardy, leaving with like 10 bags full of clothes. My question...did Britney pay for this? If she is gonna pay, then why would anyone EVER waste their money by paying full price at Ed Hardy when you can go to Bluefly and get the same shit for half off? Second, why even shop at Ed Hardy to begin with? There are cute things out there. I guess EH just isn't my style. [dlisted]

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