Friday, January 19, 2007

Beyonce's Daddy is WHACK

Beyonce's dad is pissed off once again because he thinks, and told everyone, that the awards show are racist because his daughter did not walk away with an award for Best Song or Best Actress. HELLO! She lost to two living legends: Prince and Meryl Streep.

Knowles told reporters back stage at the Beverly Hills Hilton right after the Golden Globes show ended that his daughter was outcasted and overlooked by a bureaucratic good old boy system that is still alive in 2007 as it was in 1967. "Today is MLK's birthday and it saddens me to say that things have not changed for blacks. Working class blacks and blacks in Hollywood are still being discriminated against. We still have a long way to go," he said."
Hmmm...racist? I guess he must have been taking a piss when Jennifer Hudson won her award. He was washing and drying his hands when Prince was beating his daughter for best song. And...wait...didn't Eddie Murphy also win...was he at the buffet? Then we pretty much ended it with Forrest Whitaker accepting his award. Someone should tell him that America and Hollywood Foreign Press are not ready for a drag queen, who models her dress after the award they give away, to win a Golden Globe, and Beyonce's performance and her song were not all that riveting to begin with. Someone needs to tell Beyonce to take a page from the Joe Simpson handbook and realize that her daddy's attempts of parading his daughter in our faces 24/7 does not make us like her more, and pull in the reigns on his behavior, because we all know Jessica Simpson isn't doing anything these days except selling that fake weave by Ken Paves and crying herself to sleep at night.

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