Thursday, January 18, 2007

Posh to Cruiseazy: "Keep your hands off my cash"

So, we all knew it would happen sooner or later...Tom Cruise would try to get his current man crush, David Beckham, to join his whacked out alien cult. Of course, Scientology sees David and Victoria as HUGE cash cows, and probably think that if they joined the cult that 10's of 20's of people would also follow suit and sign up to. Enter Posh. She is NOT having it, because she refuses to part ways with her husband's cash for anything other than the latest fashion trend in haute couture or "it" bag. Even though her reasons are totally motivated by greed, I applaud the bitch for just saying "Hell NO". For those not in the know, Scientology requires members to make large cash donations upon joining and to give a percentage of their income anually.

A source close to the Beckhams said: “Tom spoke to David for hours about Scientology. He feels it could help to lift him out of the blues over his football career, but Victoria is having none of it. She can’t see the point of joining something like that where you have to donate money.”

Why would anyone want to be a part of that hot mess? Furthermore, Tom Cruise should be less transparent about becoming friends with other rich celebrities, because we all know his motives to be friends with them these days is to recruit for his cult. He has clearly run out of people in Hollywood to brainwash, now he is moving across the pond and recruiting celebrities from abroad. PS, Posh my want to extend that to also read "Keep your hands off my man". Just so we keep it all fair. [source]

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