Good ole Orldando Bloom, he is just like me...a mere mortal. First he goes swimming in the ocean or surfing in the ocean, does it really matter, and has to shoot a booger out his nose. I have had to do this many times at pool parties and at one of the many Splash events held at Austin's famed Hippie Hollow. Lake water in your nose is gross.

THEN, he decides to take a piss on the rocks. I have also done this NUMEROUS times at Hippie Hollow, because it is better to do it on the rocks than swim in it in the water, because the piss would probably end up in my nose causing snotty water boogers.

Third, we see him posing and/or fixing his hair. When I had hair I did this, only not as dramatically, because I have far less hair than he does, but I did it to flex and show off my fresh from the gym physique while standing on the rocks, sun glistening on my moist flesh.

Finally, we see him without his shirt on, and a towel wrapped around his waist. I have also done this at Hippie Hollow, but you can tell I go to the gym a hell of a lot more that Orly over here, and I don't really think those glasses are right for that shape of face and/or head. I'd still hit it though.
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