This weekend...actually, this past Tuesday was a holiday for me. So on my holiday I decided to see "The Holiday". This movie gets about 2 of 5 stars. The only reason I didn't give it 4 was because I feel like Cameron Diaz's role in this film was unnecessary and because of the haggard bitch that w

as sitting next to me in the theatre who tried to cop attitude with me because I had my Banana Republic and Express Men shopping bags in the seat next to me as opposed to sitting in the fresh puddle of Coca Cola that was flowing under my seat. Well, I will say that I read her after I huffed about moving my bag. She tells me "you can put that on the floor". I replied..."Hun, I wouldn't let my dog walk barefoot on this nasty floor, but please feel free to put your $5 White Stag handbag down there." Anyway back to Cammy D, I get that she HAD to be there because of the house swapping thing, but I really could have done without it at all. Her character was just SO...I dunno...something. And add to her annoying character the stupid movie guy voice overs, btw she was a movie trailer producer...hence the lame voice. Kate Winslet's character was TOTALLY relatable to me. I think many of us have all been where her character was. Actually, I think everyone has been in that situation where you are SO in love with someone, but at the same time they kind of lead you to think they love you but in reality they don't but they like to keep you hanging on. I cried a couple of times during Kate's scenes. I love Kate. Anyway, I recommend seeing this movie if you don't completely hate Cammy D and you have more than 2 hours to kill, because this movie is LONG. And also, I didn't really get the casting of Jack Black in this movie, but I got it after it was over...and it works. Oddly enough, I also found myself relating to Jack's character too, because I am the not hot goofy nerdy dorky guy who doesn't get a second look but will always get a laugh.
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