Oh Katie Couric
I realize this story is a few days old, but I can't help but rehash it and add yet another reason why I don't like Katie Couric to my list of "Reasons I HATE Katie"...besides the facts that she is annoying and probably not as nice as she seems on tv, when coupled with Harry Conick Jr, she completely sucked the humor out of Will & Grace and destroyed an entire episode, and I have yet to see this "cuteness" that people talk about, BUT this brings it to a whole new level of hatefulness. From PageSix.com, it is reported that Miss Kat

"KATIE Couric had fellow passengers aboard a New York-bound jet on the warpath this week when, as their plane was about to taxi to the runway, she got out of her seat and begged the pilot to allow one of her late-arriving producers to board.
"It was like, 'Who the hell does she think she is?' " fumed one passenger who observed Couric's diva-like antics. "If you or I attempted something like this, we'd be cooling our heels at Guantanamo." The witness told Page Six that attendants on Wednesday's 6:30 p.m. Delta Shuttle flight out of Washington, D.C., had already closed the door and passengers were buckled in, when the soon-to-be CBS News anchor raced up the aisle with a cellphone to her ear and told an attendant she had to speak to the pilot right away. Couric was then allowed into the cockpit and convinced the pilot to delay the flight and reopen the door for her producer, Nicola Hewitt. "One flight attendant rolled her eyes and told me, 'This is only the second time I've ever seen this happen - the other time was a sick passenger,' " the witness said. "
Now, I admit that if I were a celebrity I might use my power to benefit myself, oh who am I kidding I totally would, but I would also have to consider how many people it is going to affect, especially if it is plane full of people who are ready to get home, because that is one tiny space you are sharing with them and it could get really ugly. People coughing "bitch" under their breath and what not. In the real world, when you miss your flight, you miss your flight. Blaming airport security for doing their job is not an excuse, because EVERYONE knows by now that you are supposed to allow extra time for such things, and I seriously doubt this is the first time either of those bitches has been on a plane or in an airport. If you miss your flight, you get put on the next available flight. Also, HOW in GOD's name after 9/11 was this hag allowed in the cockpit? After all this, she did'nt even apologize to the people on board, which would have infuriated me even more. Bitch. It would have been really funny if she had been thrown off the plane, but then I could totally see her screaming FOUL and Entertainment Tonight bringing us an "ET First" or "ET Exclusive" or some other "ET Bullshit" segment about how the airline wronged Katie and blah blah blah, making her the victim. All I would have said about the producer being left behind is "Poooooor Eve".
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