Sunday, August 20, 2006

My Missed Connection

At the risk of wearing my heart on my sleeve, I have a "Missed Connection" of my own that I need to get off my chest:

You are in my thoughts almost more than I can handle. It makes my heart race to think of you and the last time I saw you.I thought that not speaking to you would help me extinguish my feelings for you, but it hasn't changed the way I feel about you at the end of the day. I miss you. Now, as stupid as it sounds, I am afraid to call you, because you are there and I am here and also because I am a coward and because I don't think it would be fair to tell you how I feel because "that ship has sailed". I am sorry that I haven't called you. I am sorry for being so guarded with you. I am sorry for not being more open about me. I am sorry for the hell I may have put you through. I am sorry. I am so so sorry.


1 comment:

  1. At times it's easy for us to spend long moments in time remincing of what could have been, although this is a process of healing, I hope you always remember to let go of the past (even yesterday) and concentrate your energy on the now (today)
