Monday, August 21, 2006

The Not So News

-Diddy gives his bleessing to allow Paris' new single to become one of the hottest tracks of the year. "I was listening to a track recently on which Jadakiss was rapping. I thought, 'This is one of the hottest tracks of the year,' then I looked at the credits and it was Paris Hilton." Thank God the year is almost over. I like how he was listening to it and was kind of like..."oh...that is Paris? Nevermind". And how come the single is going to be SO hot because Jadakiss is on it? What does that have anything to do with it becoming a hit? This from the man who has unleashed Danity Kane on us..."We in the car we ride slow". I bet it would sound better if Jadakiss was in it.[hollywoodrag]

-Haley Joel Osment is charged in his drunk driving/high as a kite 1995 Saturn flipping incident. Oh Haley, I don't know what is more embarrassing. The fact that you drove while both drunk and high or that you managed to flip your Saturn. Nevertheless, good luck to you.[hollywoodrag]

-Beyonce does not recommend the crash diet she used to lose 20lbs for her role in Dreamgirls...unless you are making a movie. What about for the movie I star in everyday called "Life"? I want to look fabulous for that. For those of you who want to know it is the "Maple Syrup" Diet which consists of mixing maple syrup with water, lemon juice, and cayenne pepper and drinking it as a daily meal replacement. Mmmmmm...delicious. [source]

-Osama Bin Laden wanted to knock boots with Whitney Houston...or at the very least really wanted to dance with her. This according to someone who writes for Days of Our Lives. Gee...with a source like that, it HAS to be true, just like dead people that have been burned alive can be resurrected, and like you can control someone with a necklace, and just like it is possible to recreate a metropolis like Salem on a deserted me cynical, but yeah right. That show makes me angry, but Ms. Kola's quotes are interesting, especially the part where she said Osama would break his "color" rule for her. Osama could not be reached for comment. Hey, I got an idea...Whitney isn't doing much these days and I know she is not as hot as she used to be, but could we use her as bait?[pagesix]

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-Paris Hilton has begun a campaign to fight promiscuity and sexually transmitted diseases. Rule #1 Don't sleep with Paris Hilton if you don't want to seem like a man slut or if you don't want to get an STD. In related news, the new Hello Kitty Paris Hilton Doll has a friend named Crabby living under her dress. Coincidence...I think not.[femalefirst]

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