Finally, someone realizes that having Lindsay Lohan around might not be the best idea. LiLo has been blacklisted from J Timberlake's concert at the House of Blues in West Hollywood this weekend. JT feels that any association with her would be bad for his image.
“Justin’s gig will be packed with Hollywood A-listers and a lot of important names in music. The last thing his label wants is Lindsay getting hammered and making a spectacle of herself, taking attention away from Justin and his new album. He has a lot riding on his big comeback and he doesn’t need any distractions. His people reckon any association with socialite liggers* like Lindsay are bad for his image and career.”
I can just imagine her hair turning into fire spitting snakes after hearing about this. I am also sure that Dina had a few choice words too. "To take it out on my daughter...she didn't do anything to him, but he will definetly not be let into her next concert." Bitch please. [sun]
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