I am having a semi-shitty day at work and I am going to completely complain about it right here and right now...along with several other things that annoy me at this very second.
10. Shutting down your perfectly working computer when you leave work on Friday, only to restart it on Monday and three main programs you use don't work upon start up.
9. Calling Dell Tech Support to fix factory installed Microsoft Outlook 2003 after it has failed to launch (losing all previous emails and contacts) only to be told that you need to call Microsoft, who then tell you to call Dell (and will offer to transfer) because "you are running Dell's version of MS Office", but only after you have been on hold for an hour and have tried to trouble shoot it with "hardware" tech support for three hours. Really...I thought they were all the same...thanks for nothing you multibillion dollar companies.
8. Being told by tech support that you are going to have to call the software hotline, but there will be a charge for it. (UM...what?)
7. An ugly girl who latches onto homos, because she will never find a man because she is always hanging out with the gays at the gay bars, but then gets an attitude because she is being ignored because none of the homos think she is hot enough to pay 2 seconds worth of attention to her while at least one other girl in the room is.
6. People who call my office to request a 911 address for their property and have no idea where it is, who they purchased it from, who pays the taxes, or what it looks like. "It is down the road from there and you take a left at the oak tree, and then we have a gate with a gravel entrance and a culvert". Thank you for those descriptive directions, but you just described over half the properties in the county.
5. Vanessa Minillo...don't even get me started.
4. The fact that it is now Thursday and my Outlook STILL doesn't work! GRRRR.
3. Getting a letter from my Nelnet (the student loan people) who have purchased my second seperate loan from LoanStar, are now sending me TWO seperate bills, and when I call to ask them to combine the two accounts (because they are both the same type of loans) Noyataria tells me that they cannot consolidate the loans because the combined sum of my loans is less than $7500. Um...what? That is dumb, and very wasteful of paper.

2. Days of Our Lives taking 3 weeks to finally reveal what it is that Sami has done this time to ONCE AGAIN sabotage her sister Carrie's life with Austin, only to be consoled by a super hot british accented man named EJ, because he either secretly wants Sami or he is working with Kate to bring Sami down.
1. Crystal Meth users.
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.
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