With all the gossip that has been going on about these two, and by gossip I mean Perezhilton's
obsession with them, I feel t

he need to make a comment. First of all, Lance Bass has never confirmed that he is actually a homo. Granted, he isn't really hiding it from anyone, but still...he has never admitted to being gay. That is his choice, and not to sound all therapy-like, but it will be his choice when to come out. I have no doubt that the gay community will welcome him, just like they do all former stars who didn't have the balls to come out of the closet at a high point of their career when they could have actually made a difference. Instead, they now use it to bolster their non-existant career in hopes of getting a front page spread on People or an interview by Barbara Walters. Suck it, because you know it is true. They fall into obscurity and then BAM..."I just want to go on the record and say that I am indeed a fag". Whatever. Moving on,

this whole business with Reichen is, at the least, something that makes me wretch. I really have no love for Reichen at all. I was happy when he and his, then, boyfriend Chip won The Amazing Race. Kudos to the gays for winning, but he should have stopped there. His attempts at extending his 15 minutes of fame have been less than fruitful, and I am just kind of sick of seeing him popping up in the gay rags. He looks like he has aged about 10 years since his Amazing Race days, and frankly, I don't think he is going to be able to turn his reality win into a meaningful career. I mean, the Cable Network he worked for went belly up and now he is unemployed. Oh, but he did do a stint on Y&R as a cocktail waitress or something. I bet that probably paid pretty good. Finally, maybe it is just me, and I know Mr. Bass isn't a huge star, although I am sure he still has quite a bit of "N'Sync" money rolling in, but does anyone else think that Reality Man may be using him for something other than a roll in the hay? Of course, I don't know him so I probably shouldn't say anything, but this is a free country and there is something about Reality Man that seems kind of shady. But I say, if they are happy...YAY for them. The even BIGGER question than "is Lance Bass gay?" is...does anyone really care? Probably not.
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