So, I was on a mission yesterday to find the perfect white blazer. I am going to a wedding on Saturday for an old classmate of mine from high school and I have an outfit in mind, and it would be perfectly topped off by a white blazer. White blazers are freaking everywhere. Too bad they don't make them for tall people. I found the most absolute gorgeous blazer at Expressmen yesterday. It was tailored with a little lycra for the slimming. The fabric was soft and luxuriant. It retails for $178, but they just put their coats on a 25% off sale AND I have a mail coupon for an additional 15% off, bringing the coat down to $115. I was EXCITED. I tried on the 40R

, full well knowing that I wear a 40L, and with working out the last two years, might have to go with a 41L. The 40R fit perfect everywhere except for the sleeves. My long arms were too long for this coat, but I loved the coat. "Do you have this in a 40L?" I asked the sales associate. "Let me check. I need a stock check on 32143 in a 40L." My anticipation grew. "No sir we don't have that size". "Okay, thank you." and I walked off. Then I thought...they have the stone colored jacket...that one would be good enough. I walked back into the store. The sales associate was gone. I asked another one..."I just got the other guy to check on a size in the white, but can you see if you have it in the stone color...40L". Just then this shrimpy ass latin looking telenovella reject comes swishing thru us with his long pony tailed perm hair and asked..."What sssssssssizzzzzzzze do ju need?" "A 40 LLLLLLLong" I replied. He starts towards the stock room. He quickly spins around on the toe of his boot. "We don't have that sssize...Expressss doessss not carry that sssssize...period". To which I replied by clinching my fists and saying..."I fucking hate Express, you never have my size in coats or pants. Not everyone that is tall is fat okay?" "I so soooorry" he says. "I would say it is okay, but it isn't...I am going to write a letter about this" I turned around and Brandon had disappeared sometime during my hissy fit. That is when I decided to show lil latin man how a real swish looks and I sashayed out the door.
Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.
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