Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Starbucks Stalking

So...I have been trading eye fucks with a fellow customer at my favorite Starbucks for a couple of weeks now. The first time I ever noticed this guy was at my gym when he was in a training session with one of the trainers. I thought he was a handsome guy, but didn't really think he was gay. Fast forward a few months and there he is at the barista stand waiting for his beverage. He kind of gave me the side eye glances, as not to make it obvious. Before I continue, I must interject that I am not the best at reading signals. I actually suck at it. He could have held up a flashing neon sign that said "Hey there...I am checkin' you out stud" and I still would have been like..."who me?". Although, with this one, I kind of had a feeling he was checking me out and not the saggy faced woman sporting Thursday night bar fight alcohol hair and had vodka coming out of her pores. He walked past me towards the exit door and I looked back at him, and as he walked out the door I turned around to see him again...LOW AND BEHOLD...he was looking right back at me. I turned around real quick and got all nervous and jittery. See...I am not used to that kind of attention, because it is usually reserved for my friends who apparently have a more appealing look than I. I made note of the time and went on with my day. It was Friday, so it was going to be another two days until I saw him again, which gave me plenty of time to formulate a plan of attack for Monday. Monday rolls around and I go in. He is not there and I am saddened. I place my order, and wait at the barista table. As I am standing there, he walks in and I am ready to pounce until I hear..."Charlie...Vente sweet black tea lemonade at the bar". WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!? GAW. The line was pretty long, and I was already running a bit behind, so I looked at him to see if he was looking at me and he was and I left. I got in the car and thought..."PUSSY!!!!". Now I know his pattern, and I can just come back again tomorrow. I came back the following day and we were wearing almost the exact same with that...I just got in and got out, because it was just too gay...even for me. He still checked me out I did him. This time he was leaving the SB and I saw what kind of car he was driving and knew what to be on the lookout for. I won't say what he drives, because the fact that I am now looking for his car makes me borderline psycho stalker...and that really isn't a title I would care to sport around. It is now Thursday and I am sick of this eye fucking business and am ready to move to the next stage of my plan because playing coy is clearly not working. Can I also make mention that Starbucks employees are THE worst at trying to help someone out. Everytime I go in and he is not there, it takes them all of eternity to make my Vente Sweet Black Tea Lemonade...I mean SO slow that I think they are waiting for the second coming of Christ. THEN, when he is there and has arrived after me, it takes them all of ten seconds to create my drink. I soon as I am done ordering it, he walks in and BAM..."CHARLIE...your drink is ready at the bar". GUH-reat! On this particular Thursday, I is my chance because we were both standing in the same area. I grabbed my drink, threw the straw paper in the trash, walked by him and said..."how's it going". He replied..."good". Then I walked out the door. It was magical I tell you what. After my Thursday exchange, I was SO ready to give him my card and my telephone number on it. Sadly, Friday he did not show up, nor did he show up Monday. I was convinced I had moved to fast and scared him away. Then we get to yesterday. I arrived at the SB, and did not see his car. I waited a few minutes and when it started getting late, I just walked in to get my drink in the hopes I would see him. I order my drink and I am not paying a bit of attention, and then he walks in and I look up just in time to say "how's it going but he didn't look at me when I said it". Playing hard to get are we? Of course, I had been standing there for a total of 1 minute and I hear "Charlie...your drink is ready". DAMNIT! I look over at him and he is looking at me. I think to myself...what can I do to prolong this visit inside the SB? I walk over to the condiment bar, open my lid and stick one of those damn wood stirrers in the tea and go to town. Nevermind the fact that the sugar has already been added in and shaken thoroughly. I look over and this old man is peering over his newspaper at me with an eyebrow raised...looking at me in judgement probably wondering what the hell I was doing. I quickly threw the stick away, closed the lid, and thought...this is effing dumb...I am going to go. I walk out, but get a glance of him looking at me. I start to walk to my car, but stop. I just kind of froze and stood there on the sidewalk like some business slut looking for a good time before work. I waited a couple of minutes and then gave up on him coming out..."why were they taking so long to make his drink" is all I could think...there were two people in front of him and like seven people in front of me. I walk to my car and before I get in, I turn and look and see if he is looking at me. He is...I grab the card I had prepared with my number on it and walk back to my original position on the sidewalk. He comes outside and I say "Hi"...and I can't really remember what else I said because I think I blacked out from the time I started the conversation until the time I was in my car and driving to work. I just know there were awkward pauses...he said he was shy...I gave him my number but didn't get his. I also think I said something about making an ass of myself and making the assumption that he is gay. All in seems to have gone really unsuccessfully because I have not heard from him. I didn't go to Starbucks this morning because I wanted to sleep late, but I will be back tomorrow. Maybe we are just destined to be Starbucks boyfriends and nothing more. Stay tuned...

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