Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Is He a "Special" Friend?

I had dinner with mother tonight. She offered to buy...I, of course, accepted her invitation. There is actually more to the story, because, well...the rear passenger side window of my Jeep has come down with a case of the brokens and when a Jeep power window breaks it just rolls its damn self down and won't stay up. It sucks and in true white trash form, I have been driving around town the last two days with silver duck tape holding that piece of glass in place so that I don't roll around the ATX with one window stuck in the down position, letting all of my precious A/C escape, while my ears start to bleed from the pulsing buffering sound that comes from driving 90 mph down Mopac with one window rolled down, but I digress. So, to get my car fixed, I met my mom half way between Austin and Giddings to exchange cars. See, I would take it to a mechanic here in Austin, but all of the estimates I got were more than it would cost in Giddings plus the time and gas to get there. SO...I drove to Elgin to meet mommy dearest. We sampled some of the local fare at Jalisco Mexicano. We discussed a ton of things and one of those things included my love life. She asked if I had a "special" friend in my life these days. It was a question that I was not expecting to come out of her mouth in a scene such as Jalisco Mexicano. It is also one of those long awaited questions that I have imagined being asked since she found out about my homo-ness. It is a question that I want to be asked, because it is at that moment that I know my mom completely accepts me and isn't afraid to accept the "special friend" that is in my life. Sadly, my answer was a stale "no". Special friend? What is that? No mother, I do not have a boyfriend. While I did get a bit sassy, I do appreciate her for asking.

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