Monday, August 27, 2007

The Not So News

- Me thinks that Jessy Simpson had a little bit of work done, because a few things seem to be very different about her appearance. Then again, we haven't seen her untalented ass out and about in Hollywood in quite a while. Who knows. [hollywood tuna]

- This just in from 1998: Jake Gyllenhaal might be gay. He also might have an impregnated surrogate ready to pop out a baby for him and his [alleged] boyfriend Austin Nichols, who BTW takes a terrible mugshot, or it could be Chef Chris Fischer. Former Hollywood publicist Jonathan Jaxson recently spoke the words saying "he is poised to come out by the end of next month". I am having a hard time accepting this. Why? I don't know...mostly because Jake is just so masculine and there is no way that he could be a homo like myself. I mean, just because he likes to shop, hangs out with hot guys, and walks on the beach with his sister...that does not mean he is gay. [IDLYITW]

- In more gay news, Wentworth Miller was recently spotted on the town with T.R. Knight's ex boyfriend and Brothers & Sisters day player Luke Macfarlane. This, of course, fuels speculation that they are an item, and actually look quite cute together. [towleroad]

- In even gayer news, Andy Dick made an ass out of himself at a gay bar in Ohio this past weekend, where he seemed to go to town with some very fugly and extremely unattractive twinky messes. The visuals will make you vomit all over yourself, but if you like that kind of thing feel free to click the source link. [perezhilton]

- Apparently the eff'ed up nosed Owen brother tried to off himself, and why wouldn't he? If I had to stare at that mug in the mirror every morning I would probably try to kill myself too. Seriously, suicide is NOT a funny subject. The National Enquirer is reporting that he attempted suicide, but they are the only ones saying it, and we all know how reliable The Enquirer is like Wikipedia accurate. [nationalenquirer]

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