Monday, August 27, 2007

Miss South Carolina is a genius.

First of all, thanks to Al for sending this to doubt so he could hear my take on this. Please have a looksee:

Um...what? Actually, WTF?!?!?!? What kind of a damn answer was that? She might as well had responded, "I look like Barbie" using a cutesy little girl voice and then holding her finger in between her teeth while giggling uncontrollably. GOD, this is our future. I mean...that is quite possibly the worst answer I have ever heard...and actually that is a pretty dumb question. She should have said...because they clearly haven't gone by Charlie's office to learn about maps and GIS because had they come into his office he would have beaten them upside the head with a sharp pair of scissors for not knowing where the USA is on a map. And who knew that the citizens of Iraq were so well read on mapping and reading maps? I am glad that the fact that eventhough they are living in a completely violent and war torn country they can still point out the USA on a map. I will sleep SO soundly tonight. This is my job...I deal with people who can't read maps on a daily basis. They want addresses to their property but they can't tell me where it is or how to get there. It is quite ridiculous. Oh and someone should tell Miss South Carolina that Wal-Mart sells maps for like $2.97. She could totally turn this around and start a map fund to provide maps to the poor, and her slogan could be, "Even people going nowhere fast need maps". What a dumb slag. Cute dress though.

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