Bob Barker taped his final show this past Wednesday, marking the end of an era that has already found a place in television history. Bob told the studio audience, "
I thank you, thank you, thank you for inviting me into your home for more than 50 years. I'm truly grateful, and I hope that all of you have enjoyed your visit to 'The Price Is Right.'" A new host has not been announced yet, but they might as well hang it up and go to the house too, because much like The View without Rosie, I have a feeling people aren't going to be tuning into the show as religiously as they once did.

Not long too long ago I travled to LA with a band of friends from all over the country in an attempt to get onto the show, and it is a trip that goes down in my book as one of the best, most fun trips of my life. My friend Matt, who LOVES the show with a passion I never realized a person can possess sent out an email as soon as he heard that Barker was retiring inquiring who would be willing to meet up in LA for the chance of a lifetime event. In the end, after agreeing to terms set by Matt (ie NO complaining about sitting and waiting, smiling the ENTIRE time we are there, agreeing to have fun no matter what, get the jist), seven of us signed on. We had a crew of people from Austin, Boston, Philly, and Pittsburgh. We flew out, met up, went out the night before, then got up at 3am the day of the taping. None of us re

alized that we had to get tickets to stand in line to get more tickets to get in line to get into the studio. Nonetheless, none of us cared because we were at the frakin Price is Right! Naturally, we were the best looking people there. After waiting for hours, we were led into the studio, which is SO tiny and very vintage, and the insanity began. My new friend Adam immediately got picked for contestant's row and the bidding began. Naturally, we looked to Matt's wisdom for prices, but it wasn't until the final item up for bid that Adam got on stage. Oh, and can I also make mention of the closet case that faked a proposal with his China Girl fag hag to try to help his odds of getting on stage? I will never forget during a commerical break when some old lady mentioned he had done a lovely proposal to his "girlfriend" and little tiny spitfire Christina belts out in the loudest voice EVER..."IT WAS FAKE". We ALL broke down into tears laughing SO hard. Another favorite line is when Adam's wife KC screamed out (with silence around her) "I LOVE YOU ADAM". OH, and the night we came back to the hotel and Joey and I got the giggles and could NOT STOP LAUGHING. I don't even know what the hell was SO damn funny, but it was. SO much fun. In the end Adam got into the showcase showdown with the fake proposal guy and then lost by like $400. All in all, I would not change a thing about that day or the people I got to do it with. So here is to Bob Barker! Congrats on 35+ years of TPIR, we will miss you! And to the rest of the TPIR crew...thanks for the memories, can't wait to do it again.
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