Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Missed Connection - M4M


to my KICK ASS BOYFRIEND - m4m - 30

me 30 years old, you 27 years old. We met almost a year ago in the gym/pool. We then hung out in the hot tub, the shower, then back to your place..... here we are a year later. What a long way we have come in just one year.I love you so much. Sorry we have had a "missed connection" of our own lately. We will make up for it tonight after you get home from school. Good luck with your day tomorrow, I know Tuesday is your long, touch day. Sleep well, I love you tons. your man

What is it? That is all I got....what is it? Is this really necessary? And where was gym staff on the day they met? Surely, someone noticed two homos hanging out in the pool, then the hot tub, then the shower, before they left to take it behind closed doors...that is unless it was at Midtowne Spa....GROSS!

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