Tuesday, March 06, 2007

A Dog After My Own Heart

Rachael Ray was attacked by a dog in Union Square Park (in NYC?) on Saturday while she was walking her dog and I couldn't laugh harder. After trying to shoo the dog away, it came back with a vengence and attacked her dog Isaboo and when Rachael went to save her dog, the stray bit her on the leg. All I have to say is GOOD FOR THAT DOG! How genius it was to go after her dog as a cover to get to her. I feel like the scenario was this...Rachael was walking along flapping her yap spewing that annoying voice of hers and saying "EVOO" over and over again and the dog, traumataized by hours and hours of its owner making it listen to her, immediately recognized it a good mile away and SNAPPED. The dog probably then went into a rage blackout driven by the need to end its own suffering by taking a chunk out her leg and causing her to bleed to death. I know that is probably what would happen to me if I ever came across her. I just wish it could have reached down her throat and ripped out that voice box of hers. Then again, possibly being infected with rabies is something. I can't tell you how many celebrities there are that I wish more dogs would bite the hell out of them. Now I can scratch Rachael Ray off the list: Beyonce, Katie Couric, Robin Roberts, Cammy D, Rachael Ray, Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Nicole Richie (can you imagine...it would just rip her boney leg right off), Taylor Hicks, Jessica Simpson, Joe Simpson, Ashlee Simpson, Britney Spears....should I continue? PS - Don't get me wrong, because I don't thoroughly dislike EVERYONE on that list. I am just tired of most of their overexposure. [pagesix]

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