Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Sty For Sale

Sometimes I like to look through the real estate listings in Austin to see what is on the market and how much houses are going for. You would think that if people were going to allow a realtor to post pictures of the inside of their house they would clean up a little bit. I came across a condo that would be totally cute if it wren't such a pig sty. Based on these three pictures would you purchase this house?
Open medicine cabinet, Rudy's BBQ cup, no toilet paper on the roll, clothes on the floor, dirty rags on the counter, contact lens solution, and probably a terd floating in the toilet.
Clothes on the floor, no linens on the bed, swivel chair in the middle of the floor, and are those boxers on the floor?
Empty beer cans on the counter, pots and pans not put away, trash bags on the counter, cheap ass Smirnoff Vodka. WHO LIVES HERE? I didn't get the shot of the living room saved, but they have a life size poster of Michael Jordan on the wall.

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