Tuesday, February 13, 2007

A Crying Shame...a damn one at that.

Apparently Entertainment Tonight has paid Howard K. Stern $1 million for exclusive interviews regarding Anna Nicole's death. Yes...$1 million. They paid $1 million for this:

This whole performance wreaks, and squirting visine in your face or hiding onions under the table to make tears does NOT count as real sorrow. I mean this guy totally had something to do with it, and there could be video of him injecting her with a syringe of green chemicals from a can with a skull and crossbones on it and he would look less suspicious than this. COME ON! Shame of frakin' ET for even pandering to this mess. I mean...really? $1 MILLION for that? $1 million? I have seen enough thank you. Let the poor woman rest in peace. It is bad enough that there are now like 5 or 6 guys in the running to be the baby's daddy...and you know the only reason they are coming forward is because of the money. The courts need to get that baby back to the US and give her to an anonymous family that has no idea who she is or what she has come from, that way the poor thing will be guaranteed to be loved by a family that actually wants her. The worst part...there isn't even any contact information on ET's website to bitch about this whole thing. All in the name of money. Sad sad state we are in to exploit the woman's death like this.

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