Friday, January 12, 2007

I heart craigslist

I love a good run around Craigslist. Poor Bill...sounds like he has a stalker. You have ONE drink with someone and they call it love...

I miss you, Bill - m4m - 27

"Circumstances have torn us apart, but nothing -- nothing -- will ever make me stop loving you. You're the man for me ... no doubt. I love you so much, even after all we've been through lately, and it kills me that we're not still together. But, rest assured, I know we will be reunited one day. Then the unending pain will go away. A love like ours doesn't just come along every day. I love you, sweetie. More than you will ever know. And I miss you so much. Life hasn't been the same since the last time we laid eyes on each other. Take care of yourself. Hopefully we'll see each other soon. When that happens, I'm going to hug you and never, ever let you go."

Yeah...hi hun...just so's you know...Bill ain't coming back. Especially after, what you may have thought to be a romantic gesture but really makes you look like a crazed lunatic who can't let go. Good luck though.

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