Monday, October 02, 2006

Buhnoonce Gets Wasted

For the record, Buhnoonce is the nickname I have given Beyonce. I don't know why, but I did, and it has stuck with a couple of my friends and a friend's four year old daughter. She likes to say..."there is Buhnoonce". At any rate, I saw these pictures of Buhnoonce hammered, and being poured into the back of Jay-Z's limo, laughed at them, and realized that celebrities get drunk too and it isn't just the common folk who drink one cocktail too many turning legs into noodles, sending emotions into tailspins, making a room spin furiously when you lay down (until you put one foot on the floor), and just generally making yourself a worthless heap the next I right ladies? I mean really. This girl has clearly done it up good. She looks like she is laughing and carrying on, much like I do when I have had one too many Mandarin and 7's, and then she hits her "brick wall" and it is time to go. I too, crawl into the backseat of a driver driven car...but it is usually a yellow cab with a smelly man driving it or some nut job that insists on asking my beliefs in extra terrestrial life, or my entire life story. We have all been there. Sometimes I laugh, sometimes I cry, and sometimes I pass the hell out and hope I make it home and have enough cash to pay the driver. Actually, this WAS me two weeks ago okay. That is what done happened. Check out the first picture though. Her hair is in her face, she is passed out, girl has a zillion runs in her panty hosej, and she looks a hot hot mess. LOVES IT!

Even funnier, the look on Jay-Z's face, because he figures that she is either gonna have a fantastic disco nap and turn all freaky as soon as they get to a bedroom or he is gonna carry her to the bed where she will pass out for a little bit and then a few minutes later go running to the bathroom to let the porcelain bowl have it. Either way, Jay is gonna be worn out. A gentleman would have covered his girlfriend's drunk ass up with that coat of his. I bet she barfed the next day. In fact, I KNOW she did because I did. Sidenote, I am glad Buhnoonce had it together enough to keep the world from seeing her loins, unlike some people...Ashlee Simpson who flashed her underwear a while back...and hadn't even been drinking. You got the right to get your go PARTY!

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