Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Making headlines

-No, this isn't one of the latest picture from the war in Iraq...some poor hillbilly's truck catches fire after his laptop battery catches his seat on fire, then setting off the ammunition hidden in his glovebox, followed by igniting the gas tanks...Dell decides to recall laptop batteries...yet again.[nytimes]

-Katie Couric claims that the American Viewers she spoke to in "off the record town meetings" want an hour long news program. If these meetings were "off the record" then why are you talking about them you dumb bitch? And..um...since when did the opinions of 5 people speak for all of America? Nobody, especially me, wants to see nonstop Katie for an hour in the evening. If they want that much news they can head over to CNN or FoxNews to get their fix, because they would end up doing stupid teasers like Entertainment Tonight and talking about one subject 8 different times during the program. Besides, with 30 minutes of local news, then Network News, followed by another 30 minutes of the same local news...that is enough.[washingtonpost]

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