Tuesday, May 19, 2009

3 Hours

I found myself to be suffering from a severe flare up of body dismorphic disorder today. I went to the gym this morning and worked out for about an hour. After that I ran around town doing errands. When I got home, I took off my shirt to throw it in the dirty clothes, and I went to the bathroom to take a shower. When I walked into the bathroom, my appearance made me flinch, and I sat there and stared at myself for a good 10 minutes...analyzing every inch of what I could actually see with my eyes...disgusted. After the agonizing 10 minutes was over and I snapped out of my self depricating trance, I turned around, put my shirt back on and went back to the gym. This time I worked out for 45 minutes, and then I drove to Town Lake to run. Normally I walk a good portion of the trail, but today I ran most of it, and I did the long run...not the short one that crosses over Lamar. I don't know what it was inside of me that was motivating me to run...or maybe I was running from something. At any rate, I did more working out today than I have done in a long time. The funny thing is, I never had this problem prior to joining a gym, and that annoys the hell out of me.

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